My experience with all of my Hondas and Toyotas is they will burn anything. I think it's a good idea to stick to the major brands but when I have burned off brands, I have never had a problem.
I stick with whatever is cheapest. Usually it's an independent near my house, sometimes a Rotten Robbie near work. Edit: Over 67k miles on my car with no problems (knocks on my head).
Chevron, but primarily because the price is fair and it's right down the street. While I fill my car I've noticed the ad by the pump indicating that an additive Techtron (or whatever they call it) is supposed to keep the engine cleaner. Who knows, but you asked what we use, so there we are.
When I pay, Kroger or Walmart gas, when work pays, Shell. Shell is often 12 cents a gallon higher, but they have a corporate card.
As I have stated in other Gas Threads. I stick with Shell or BP. Even though they a bit more expensive. I used cheapo gas in my old car, which I discovered was giving my car engine and piston issues. Once I stopped with cheap-o gas, and went with brand name. Made a world of difference. So, even though it is more expensive, I will not use cheapo gas again
Currently, Chevron since its cheapest (currently $2.87) among Shell/76/Exxon on my commute path. I used to use Costco but I can't use my visa card there which giving me 5% rebate on gas. Almost all gas in the area come only from a couple of distribution centers but only difference is additive pkgs as far as i know.
I actually use a variety (Hess, Getty, Mobil) and do not notice any difference at all. I do notice that when I fill up in New Jersey I get better gas mileage. I can't figure out why. Now that we're on the subject of fuel, does anyone know why SHELL and GULF are priced significantly higher than the current average?
Regarding performance, I've had good luck with Shell. As far as socially-responsible behavior, Sunoco and BP (Arco, Amoco, am/pm) seem to be the best. Exxon-Mobil is at the bottom of the barrel (pun intended).
Usually Costco if I happen to be there, it's about 25 miles from home. Around home I use either Shell, Standard, or Short Stop Store gas because they are convenient. When I travel I look for clean well maintained stations that appear to be used a lot. I have never had a problem with gasoline as far as I know. You can buy the Techron additive at quite a few stores in 16 oz bottles, I don't know it helps or not. I bought a case of it for my previous car (the manufacturer recommended it) and I have some left so I dump in a bottle when I change the oil. I have heard you shouldn't use it to often.
Shell, or any other top-tier I can find. The bit extra you pay over the bargain basement junk is more than made up in the increased mpg and cleaner engine.
Top Tier gasolines are supposed to reduced deposits in the engine because of the additives used in the gasoline, therefore I use only top tier gasoline. Do a google search on top tier gasoline.