The Prius has been a popular target of pop culture since its inception into the mainstream back in 2004. Probably the most (in)famous reference was in the South Park episode entitled "Smug Alert!". But the car has appeared as a character, prop, or backdrop in numerous other TV shows, movies, and music videos. My personal favorite Prius pop culture sighting was in a 2004 episode of Alias. It's a special Prius sighting for me because it was the first time I had ever seen a 2nd Generation Prius in a TV show. It was one of those exciting moments when you knew that a car you loved was hitting the mainstream. As we close out the decade of the 2000s, I thought I'd ask you guys to post your own "favorite Prius pop culture moments or references". What's yours? Feel free to post YouTube videos to your favorite moments! Here's a great site that lists out various TV shows and movies where the Prius has appeared - IMCDB.
South Park for sure. What was it, "Hybrids might even save the world someday! But we have to learn to drive them and not be smug!" "I.....I don't think we're ready for that." LOL
Yeah, it's really a Nissan ad, but I LOL every time I watch it. Here's another Nissan ad that it eye catching: (CAUTION: NOT WORK SAFE. Add leading [, and trailing brackets ] to view ) url=""]YouTube- Nissan commercial[/url One more reason to look forward to driving a Leaf... independent suspension
South Park's Smug Alert episode definitely made me want to own my very own Smug Mobile, but my favorite Prius moment is from the Six Feet Under finale...
OMG Alias!! That was my favorite show ever. I watched seasons 1-3 like 5 times each. Seasons 4 and 5 weren't as good. Man I forgot how much I miss that show. And I completely forgot that they had the Prius in there. I think that's what Sydney drove in Season 4...?
Family Guy references the Prius a lot. For example, YouTube - Family Guy - I Have A Car There's a good one where someone throws his car into the house... search "He who throws the first Prius"
No . . . no . . no . . . you gota have nerdy white rappers if you want funny Pop Culture now THAT's funny .
You can't forget my personal fav from "The Office" where Andy silently runs into Dwight in his Prius!
It probably isn't my "favorite" Pop Culture moment for The Prius. That Nissan Ad was hillarious and The Southpark episode and The Casual Mafia rap were far more entertaining, but I think the most significant moment for The Prius was The Academy Awards when so many Stars showed up in Prius. Whether you liked it, or hated it, it was high profile and really brought The Prius into the eyesight of the general public. You heard almost as much about The Prius as you did the Academy Awards was brilliant. Honda even tried to duplicate it with The Insight during the film festival in didn't really work. I don't think you can duplicate a happening like that, and that's why I think it was so significant. I think for a lot of people, those academy awards were the first time they really saw a Prius as a real automotive choice for whatever reason. Be it political, economical or just hey, you can get from point a to point b in a Prius?
I like the Curb Your Enthusiasm episode where Larry burns rubber in his Prius trying to beat the doctor home when they get the news that Loretta has cancer. Has anybody actually seen a stock Prius really burn rubber?
Favorite Prius sighting was at the movies recently. The movie: It's Complicated. Meryl Streep's daughter drove a Gen II Prius. Now that I own one I notice them when I see them.
RE: Six Feet Under... Not only did it include a Prius, but that was one of the greatest all-time series-ending montages. Chills. Of course, for anyone that didn't watch the series, it probably doesn't mean a durned thing...