Has anybody seen the engine performance chip for the Prius offered on ebay, they claim up to 25 horsepower (12%) with little or no loss to MPG. The module cost $23.99 for a short period. 30 day money back if not satisified.
And you'd believe something like this would actually work because......? Let's face it, some of the brightest and most creative automotive engineers on earth created Prius. The clearly deeply analyzed and considered each and every aspect of the programming, design, emissions control...everything before coming out with what is probably the most technologically advanced production vehicle in the world. But somehow they missed this simple little circuit that would've offered a 25hp improvement at no mpg cost? Me thinks your $24 could be better used to support a favorite social cause.
Oh, and by running the air fuel mix richer you would affect the emissions control of the vehicle...something I believe we've determined is illegal.
Another fine product of P T Barnum & Co, counting on another one being born every minute. No offense intended to the OP, he had the sense to ask first.