Sorry for the lame formatting, this is a cut and paste from a Google search: Apparently a 'Frisco lawyer is attempting to start a class-action lawsuit against Toyota. It is in his interest to get wide-spread notice for more members. As for these 'news sources,' well some of them have been trolling for Prius skeptic stories for a long, long time. But even so, there is a question of the headlights since we only have two alternatives for the 2010 Prius. I couldn't find anything in the New Car Features to show there were any HID changes. When I take our 2010 into the dealer for the first scans and oil changes, I'll ask about the part numbers. Understand, I'm OK with knowing about a potential problem as I'll make sure to carry a 'shares kit.' My first car was a 1966 VW MicroBus and I always thought everyone carried tools, gaskets and parts. Bob Wilson
The 2010 Prius (at least in the U.S.) comes with either halogen or LED (on Prius V) headlights. No HIDs.
When I was doing my Highway traffic safety research for unwanted acceleration, I scanned all of the filings against Prius for 2005, 6, and 7. In that period there were hundreds of HID filings. Since a very small percentage of owners file with NHSA, it's safe to assume there are a ton of HID complaints. This is the stuff class actions are made from. My dealer told me last week that the reason the Prius (and all other Toyota's) now have 5,000 instead of 7,500 mile oil change intervals was another class action on engine sludge. Toyota settled and changed the interval to avoid future litigation.
Here is an email from the SF law firm. Thank you for taking the time to contact our law firm about the litigation involving the HID Headlight System in Toyota Prius vehicles. We will be providing updates on the status of the class action litigation against Toyota periodically in emails such as this one. We have spoken with many of you over the past weeks and months and wish to express our appreciation to you for taking the time to talk and to provide information. Please remember to save the original copies of all of your HID headlight-related receipts. You may need them in the future. To date, our firm has filed two class action lawsuits against Toyota related to the 2006-2009 Prius vehicles equipped with high-intensity discharge (“HID”) headlights. As you may know, there have been many reports that the HID headlights sporadically turn off while the vehicles are being driven, causing Prius drivers to temporarily lose illumination from one or both headlights. The cost of repairing or replacing the HID headlight system parts can quickly run into the hundreds, and even thousands of dollars. Federal Class Action Lawsuit The federal class action lawsuit against Toyota seeks certification of a nationwide class on behalf of owners and lessees of 2006-2009 Prius vehicles. In the alternative, the lawsuit seeks certification of state-by-state classes. The case is pending in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York before Judge Sullivan. The federal complaint alleges that Toyota has improperly concealed the defect in the Prius HID headlight systems from its customers, despite having known of its existence for some time. California State Court Class Action Lawsuit The California state court lawsuit against Toyota seeks certification of a California class on behalf of owners and lessees of 2006-2009 Prius vehicles. The lawsuit has been consolidated with several others and is pending before Judge Highberger in Superior Court in Los Angeles. The California complaint alleges that Toyota violated California’s “Secret Warranty Law” by offering to pay for all or part of repairs to the Prius’s HID Headlight System, but only for customers who contacted Toyota’s customer assistance center to complain and who meet Toyota’s predetermined criteria. What You Can Do To Help There are two things everyone can do to help. First, keep us updated if anything new happens with your Prius’s HID headlights. Second, please save any documentation that you think may potentially be related to this litigation. We encourage you to let us know if you have information or documents that you think would be helpful to us in prosecuting this case. If you own a 2006-2009 Toyota Prius with HID headlights and think you may be a member of the proposed class in either or both of the cases, you do not need to take any further action at this time. We will keep you informed via email of the status of the case and any substantive changes that may affect your claims. If you have any questions about either case or if you have information you would like to share, please feel free to reply to this email or call (866) 981-4800. Girard Gibbs LLP 601 California Street, Suite 1400 San Francisco, CA 94108 Phone; (415) 981-4800 Fax: (415) 981-4846
As much as I loathe the abomination that our legal system has become in the USA, this is a legitimate concern. I can't tell you how many GenII Priori with HIDs I've seen winking at me whilst on the road.
Everyone hates lawyers ... until they need one. Then it's the other fellows lawyer that is a scoundrel.
The GII uses H4 halogen headlamp bulbs. They are typically $10 each, though I'm sure you can do better. Not sure which bulbs the GIII uses. Note that the H4 now are also called 9000 or something.
Actuallly, it's the very fact that everyone eventually needs a lawyer for even the most pointless of things that irritates me. Some things would be more efficiently handled if we did not get the lawyers involved. Unfortunately in our litigious society we have no choice. My lawyer is as much a scoundrel as the other guys. So we are sadly matched. Sigh! Anyway, the question is: why hasn't a recall been issued?
So, there are *no* issues with 2004 models, like some cheaper part in the newer builds was the culprit?...