I searched and searched and searched, but couldn't find a list of all working audio in kits for a 2004 prius but with 2005 MFD unit (Pin 64 issue). I have a Blackberry Bold and love listening to Pandora. Any help please?
Aux adapters have been discussed many times in this forum so I'm sure if you search using the right terminology you'll find lots of info. I have such an adapter from Grom Audio (gromaudio.com) in my '07 with no nav and base stereo. My adapter provides aux, iPod, and USB (memory stick) capability, but you can get one with just aux. You will have to contact them to ask about your specific issue. My aux adapter works fine. Good luck.
Just bought a used 05 Prius and love it. I have the base model with no cd changer or SAT. No Nav or BT. With the exception of an FM transmiter, is there away to hard wire my iPhone 3g to the car? Ive read several posts that you can but all seem to have a cd changer or the nav system. Please help me out if the DICE is possible with my car or if you have a better way, Im all ears! Thanks