While planning out window treatments for our house, we've decided to go with one of those rolling shades that you put outside the window for one of our picture windows. They use them a lot in Europe and are starting to become popular for energy efficiency here in the US. I just can't seem to find them ANYWHERE. Does anyone have any ideas on where to look? They should be available with remote controls or interior pull cords. Any ideas?
Here's a list of links, mostly in the USA. We really liked having them on our house in Germany, but sometimes villages seemed downright spooky at night, when everyone rolled down their rolladen!
Are you looking for roll shutters for security or privacy, or roll awnings to adjust shade on the outside of the window. Do a search for "hurricane shutters" for the former, and "roll up awnings" for the latter.
We're just looking for something for privacy at night. We are going to do roman shades throughout the rest of the house, but this one window's placement doesn't allow us to do it. So I thought it might be cool to do an external rolling shade. No direct sun gets in that side of the house, so it's not really even an "eco" reason.