Make sure you stick to your guns and drive a hard bargain. Read about the kind of deals people are getting around here below MSRP and strive to match or beat that. Inventories are generally up so that works to your advantage. Don't be afraid to walk out the door if you can't get a good deal. The dealer will call you in a day or two, guaranteed. Don't be afraid to "sleep on it" before accepting a deal and running it by the gurus here. Good luck! Remember - the economy is not so good these days. It's a buyers market.
Thanks for the tip - I was actually going to make a play for this Prius online but I got outbid - do you have any experience with auction cars rising sun?
Sorry, I do not. But I don't think I would ever buy a car I couldn't drive first unless it was such a good deal that I could afford to build in a couple thousand dollars to address unknown issues. Buyer beware.
Auction = salvage, most likely, and certainly one with an unknowable history. Stay far away unless you like spending lots of time and money on undriveable cars.
Shop hard. I shopped on and off for 8 months. I finally made a decision for a prius iv blue w solar - the best deal came from a Dealer in Acton MA who was upfront and straight first time in writing - no one could beat the deal- they did match it. (leaving deposit tomorrow) The unfortunate part was they did not have the color I wanted in stock. I have about 5 dealer invoices on different Prius's. It was worth the effort -I'm glad to be done - will pick up mine the last week in december. Best of luck shopping!!