Hi all, We have almost 10K miles on our Gen III and I am embarrassed to say I just discovered I do not have the tire pressure option installed. Even though it shows on the sticker that was on my car. I have not raised the point yet with the dealer. Comments?
Bike-A-Man, I find it hard to believe you don't have this. Are you sure? What makes you think you DO NOT have it? When you start up see if you have a light on the right side of the dash, TPMS, that briefly lights. I also checked the Manual and it's wording makes me believe it was not on only "selected" Models/Types as some options are. I still think you have it. If you can crawl under your brake pedal area closer to the firewall, I bet you have a reset there which would mean you DO in fact have the feature.... Interested in hearing what you find out...
Thanks to all that replied. My Bad (eyes that is) Could not see the reset button through the bifocals where the owner’s manual said it was and just assumed (bad word) that somehow the car got skipped. Yes did see the yellow icon fleetingly on dash.