2010 Hybrid battery 7th bar changed to REDISH color Hi Guys, I have my Prius about 5 months and I have built up 8 bars few times and the 8th bar have always been REDISH color. There is a thread discussed about this before but no one seems to have any clue. Today, I notice my 7th bar changed from green to REDISH color. Has anyone seen their 7th bar being REDISH like mine? I think the REDISH color means that is the full charge of the Hybrid battery. Which means my Hybrid batter capacity dropped and hold less charge?
Re: 2010 Hybrid battery 7th bar changed to REDISH color Mine is too (7 & 8). I only notice it when the display is not full brightness and it is dark in the cab. That is the only way I see any red on the display.
I've seen my 8th bar turn "red". However, I don't think it's actually red. I think it's just a different shade of green (every other pixel is on, or something).
I thought 7 & 8 were red? Cause my 7th bar looks like yours and it's red. Evan, it's red but it's even worse than the arrow on the Energy Monitor. This one's barely visible as a red whereas the arrow on the Energy Monitor can be seen as red as long as it's not in direct sunlight. I haven't seen 8 bars on the 2010 yet so I don't know if it becomes redder or not.
So, I am not alone. I should say the 7th bar color is different than the rest of the bars. It wasn't like that before. Tideland, are you getting good MPG? My average MPG is around 40MPG.
It's just an artifact of the technology. When a region has not been illuminated for a while, it will display with a red tint until warmed up. The same thing happened with my odometer, when it hit 10,000 miles. The "1" hadn't ever been used before. .
Mine did too. Also I noticed a dramatically dropped on my MPG from 52+ to 42.9 what's up with that? I live in Sunny California, and, even though the weather has not been that warm, is definitely far from being freezing. Question...since the new 2010's have this "reddish" last bar on the battery indicator, why the last gas bar still green and not that "reddish" color?
I would assume with the Gas bar not being red is because the warning starts with a "Blinking" dash so, that's the alert mechanism. It serves about the same purpose...blinking...time for gas and as you know, you have some time before your really ...empty.
It's probably to help differentiate the bars like the old Prius. Depends on what kind of conditions you're talking about. My previous tank was 50mpg even with some -10°C temps. My current one is 42mpg cause it's -40 and it included some deep, loose snow driving. True but if could be like the old Prius and the green bars for 7 and 8.
Just an artifact of lighting and perhaps heat in the display. I can see the reddish tint come and go depending on the angle of the sun and how long it has been on. No meaning attached to any slight color variation that might be observed in the bars.
Could it by any chance be a warning that the PRIUS Hybrid battery is too hot??? or the vent to the battery is blocked, causing overheating?
Nope... cause you'd hear the fan running first if the battery gets hot. In the old Prius, the colours were used to quickly identify the state of charge without having to count the bars 1-2 bars - Pink (some ppl call it purple) 3-6 bars - blue 7-8 bars - green
I'm going to agree w/ John on this one - portions of the MID that don't get frequently used illuminate at a darker color. I was descending a hill on my weekend trip and filled my battery multiple times - this bar was darker than the rest as this doesn't normally happen. If you switch views to your 1 or 5 minute consumption, you'll notice the bars are different colors depending on what sections are used more vs. less. See also various threads on "burn-in" - same effect.
My conclusion, "Toyota put way too crappy of a screen on for that purpose." I can't even see any differences in color, it looks completely monochromatic to me.