I plan to not drive the Prius much over Christmas break, I'm looking to see if my Prius will last that long. Also is there any tips I can get on doing things to extend the life of the battery charge while I'm away? Thanks!
I have the same issue. Will be leaving the car from Dec 17th until the 28th I have read the various posts here about the battery discharging after some period of time I asked my Toyota dealer and he claimed Toyota solved the problem by having the systems turn off after 2 - 4 days of no communications with the remote Although I don't think the dealer knows all, (that's an understatement), he was pretty confident about this I look forward to other inputs as well
John Burns, when you say that the system turns off after 2-4 days of no communication with the remote, are you referring to the key FOB?, does that mean we need to keep the Key FOB far from the car while we are out of town?. Thanks for brining this up I am in the same situation. Cheers W3Bconsultor
I put my Prius in storage (unheated detached garage) on 11/29/09 and went to start it on 12/13/09. I was a little concerned that the battery would be dead but everything was fine. The motor ran for about 5 minutes then shut off so I hit the power button and shut the garage door. I will probably start it again around Christmas time. I plan on storing it every winter so I may try and extend the time out to 4 weeks and see how things go.
Well last January I parked my car and flew to Detroit for six days, five nights and a wake-up: Saturday - parked the car in a nice sunny place but being an airline passenger was OK. Picked up at the Detroit airport but the driver wouldn't let me drive. Sunday - the excitement of a new place, I didn't once look out at the parking lot. Monday - got to see a new car, very exciting but irritated they didn't let me drive it. Why else was I there? Tuesday - caught a cab to another hotel but the partitions and door locks kept me out of the driver seat. Went to a car museum but even the locomotive didn't have coal or water. Museum staff very unhappy at attempts to start displays. Coffee and a video game made the pain of separation only worse. Wednesday - saw the Detroit Auto Show, could barely keep it together. Who knew those attractive hostesses were that strong. No keys and they took a dim view of attempts to hot-wire the displays. In the basement, again, they wouldn't let me drive. Getting anxious. Thursday - once again, the 4:30 AM taxi to the airport, the driver eyed me suspiciously and wasn't letting me anywhere near the steering. Worse, at the airport, the cockpit crew took all of the seats and LOCKED the doors. I tried playing with the little toy car but no good. Nervous, anxious, I could feel the anticipation of getting to drive my own car for the whole flight. Five days without a decent drive, I checked and double-checked my keys careful so as not to seem like a pervert touching themselves too often in their pants pocket. Desperate for my fix, I briefly thought of just getting in the car and driving away and coming back to collect the luggage later. I was reminded of Allen Ginsberg: "I saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by _ madness, starving hysterical naked, dragging themselves through the negro streets at dawn _ looking for an angry fix, angelheaded hipsters burning for the ancient heavenly _ connection to the starry dynamo in the machin- _ ery of night," . . . uh you are talking about our need for speed, right? Bob Wilson
Hi all, FYI, this topic was thoroughly discussed (100+ posts) recently in this thread: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...-will-park-lax-13-days-dead-battery-sure.html