Sorry for the boring thread but the reason I posted the other automatic oven cleaning thread was because yesterday, I baked a polpettone al forno (Italian meat loaf) for a Christmas pot luck tonight. Its in the fridge now but do I take it at room temperature or re-heat in an oven? If so, at what temp and duration. It is 2 lbs. I do not want to nuke it.
Back when I was stripping paint from one of our old houses, I had good success in slicing it and aiming the heat gun at each slice.
I would take it out and let it get room temp. If you want I would warm it in a conventional oven...maybe 325 Degrees for about 30 minutes beforehand. It can be served only warm If you have any juice be sure it's not dry..You could also slice and layer and cover with any sauce and warm in oven that way as well. Probably the easiest.... Good Luck
I would heat it right out of the fridge. Put it in the oven without preheating it. Cover the pan with foil to keep it from drying out, and as Bob mentioned above use a low oven like 325. You don't want to leave meat sitting out, it's not healthy, bacteria and all that, and I doubt you want to get people sick. Unless it's a work thing, then maybe you do.
Since I am already going to be an a**hole for bringing meat loaf to a party where 50% are vegans and some are my Jewish friends who are waiting to go to Heaven before trying pork, bringing a heat gun would make me a "flaming" a**hole. I'll save this for my carnivorous buddies who'll get a kick out of it. Thanks
Sorry, but....this is just toooo funny ! :rofl: Keep the meatloaf for yourself and buy something at the store. Like dessert or booze. *Bonus* if you combine dessert + booze.
The way I would reheat the meat loaf: Get one of my woman friends, or woman friends with "benefits," to do it for me. Because if I try to perform that complex cooking task, at the very least the house will be filled with dense black smoke. If not outright burned right down to the foundation
Wrap it in foil and reheat at 180c for 15 minutes or so then let stand for 10 minutes wrapped. Keep it wrapped and do not cut it up until ready to serve. To keep the meatloaf moist and add a nice flavor you could put some cracked pepper and sliced lemon or orange on top before wrapping and heating. Remove this after unwrapping or when cutting. Place the fruit around the plate to decorate it.
Thank you all for your suggestions. I ended up taking the meat loaf out of the fridge 1 hour before I placed it in the pre-heated oven @ 325 Deg F for half an hour with foil cover. Then I spooned all the sauce out and heated it separately in a sauce pan and poured it back on the meat. Well guess what? There were enough carnivors at the party including my Jewish friends who discovered pork and wasn't afraid of it to devour the dish. I have just enough left over for one meat loaf sandwich tomorrow. Thank you all Prius fans for helping me out.
I'll also start a new thread: "Another benefit of friends with benefits: they can cook better than you too"
Not for meatloaf, no friends with benefits either, but since my wife and I have a very, um shall we say, vigorous, yes, vigorous relationship, don't need the latter. I have a lot of recipes that I make, my kids like it when I cook, not to say my wife can't cook, but I am a little more adventurous when it comes to cooking.