I thought it would be fun to see what people use their Prius for besides toting kids and groceries around. Let's see your work and hobby pics and how they relate to the Prius! Since I no longer have real "hobbies" I generally have the back end loaded down with a 2.5 cu.ft. speaker box loaded with 12" subwoofers. On field work days I sometimes take the box out and load it with tools of the trade. Today was mending fences on one of our nature preserves. Other days it might be installing bird boxes or hauling bags of native grass and flower seeds.
One Large Umbrella One Small Umbrella Pancho Flashlight Tire Gauge First Aid Kit Bottle of Water and in the winter: Small shovel Ice Scraper Otherwise I try to keep it light in increase mpgs
I didn't take a picture, but yesterday I hauled a christmas tree home. Opened the hatch, spread a tarp, folded the seat down, and tossed it in with room to spare. Meanwhile, people with huge SUVs were still trying to figure out how to strap a tree to the roof. One person even had theirs on a trailer. Maybe I should have offered to deliver a few trees for a fee?
LOL. I bet one of the reasons for purchasing the SUV was to haul the annual christmas tree home! SureValla, you carry all the important stuff. The only things on that list that I carry iarethe flashlight, poncho (a Glad garbage bag), and the tire gauge.
Generally, my canvas bags, paper towels (roll of), and the cargo net that I have never gotten around to installing. (Except for the canvas bags, the rest is under the floor of the cargo area in the hidden areas.)
Engel MT45 refrigerator. I work full time and go to school at night, keep my lunch and dinner in the fridge in the prius to keep from eating junk food twice a day.
Plywood and a small subwoofer: Test fit Speaker grill just cleared Carpeted (spray adhesive and $12.00 carpet, staples) Subwoofer nicely hidden Can still access cargo tray - D
We did the same two days ago. It's amazing how much you can get inside a Prius. One of my most smug Prius moments was a year or so ago at a Home Depot. I came out of the store pushing a cart with a big box. Parked across the aisle from me was an SUV, the owners of which were trying to stuff an identical box into the back of the SUV. By the time I reached my Prius, the SUV people had given up on getting the box into the back, and were in the process of unpacking the contents in the hope that it would fit without the packaging. When I stopped at my Prius with my identical package and opened the hatch, they gave me a look like I was the most stupid person on earth. I slipped the box into the back, closed the hatch, and was on my way. Prius: 1, SUV: 0. Tom
LOL! Love it. We squeeze a lot in at Costco but nobody does a double take. There's usually 3 other Prii within sight in that parking lot so it's no oddity. Thanks, now if I can just finish it off I'll actually get to hear it play! - D
I have a .50 cal machine gun pointing out of my hatch. Sometimes I make the passenger sit there. I can't take pictures however. The battery on my camera is dead. Sorry guys.
Well, here's what's (semi-permantly) in the hatch of my 2010 (I like to bike, so always having it with me gives me reason to ride it) and temporarily in the hatch of my wife's (we braved the snow Saturday to get it). The tree looks small in the hatch, but it's a good 6 feet tall on its stand, never let it be said there's no cargo room. I don't have a picture but we also fit a roto-tiller in the hatch of a Prius last spring when we were digging a new garden.
Yeah, I had to strap Christmas trees to the roof-rack on my Jeep GC before I had the Prius. Now I can accommodate a 7 foot Christmas tree inside the Prius, no sweat. The plastic webbing helps of course to reduce the branching radius, and I make sure I have a plastic sheet covering the floor. But it never ceases to amaze SUV and sedan drivers .... " you can get that tree into a little Prius"? ... and they watch it disappear!
Thanks! More details on the install can be found in this thread: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-ii-...7-jl-audio-subwoofer-amplifier-installed.html As for Christmas trees, we cut a 15 footer on a friend's property. No, it didn't go in the Prius! Dad's GMC pickup covered that duty. - D
Normally I just have a collapsible plastic crate to hold grocery bags, etc. It is tied at the bottom to the cargo net so it does not slip around. Since it collapses, I can flatten it without removal and put other stuff in there as needed. If I need to access under-floor storage, unhooking the top hooks on the cargo net lets the whole thing hang out over the bumper. Entirely satisfactory. I have not yet needed to test the total capacity with rear seats down, but it looks to be huge!