If waved to I do wave back. I understand the principle from years of sportbike riding (sportbike ridings give more of a two finger peace sign with the left hand pointing to the sied or down at an angle towards the road) and Porsche 914 ownership. (914 owners ALWAYs pop up their lights when they see another 914).
I don't just wave, I accost. Vmenon and I were leaving a Panera Bread after lunch and a blue Prius drove by seeing us leaning against our Prii talking. They waved and I grabbed a Priuschat card from my wallet and suggested that they come visit the site. So I guess the people I only have at are the lucky ones. God help the ones I can catch!
I was driving to work the other day at 6 am when I noticed a woman in a car stopped at the red light waving frantically as I passed. She was waving so much I didn't even notice what kind of car she was driving until I was passing. I was trying to figure out if I knew who the hell it was. I think the combination of only having my Prius a week and being half asleep, along with the enthusiastic wave threw me off. The only other car that I get a wave in is the SO's Corvette. BTW, I did return the wave. I'll try to pay more attention to the road than the MFD in the future. Stan
I just got my Prius about two weeks ago and got/gave "the wave" when I saw another Prius. It was great. The first weekend I had it I was at Steak n Shake when this lady who was in her upper 80's perhaps pulled in with her 05 Prius, so when she came in I stopped her and told her I love her car, and that I just got one two. We had a great conversation about gas milage, and she gave me some advice about what to expect in the winter. Now that I'm used to driving the car, I'm more apt to look for other Prius Drivers and wave. It's taken me some time to get used to driving a car again after being in a truck for 10 years. Cheers,
I'm so excited!! After 6+ months of waving at almost every Prius I saw (and in the SF Bay Area, that's a lot), and never getting a wave (well, one time a lady half raised her hand while looking at me like she was trying to figure out if she knew me), I got my very first wave today! Not only that, but it was the 2-fingered Victory sign that randalla started to promote here last year. So was it someone here? Male driver in a Salsa Red, either 2003 or 2004. We were on 85 South in San Jose. I had to exit just as he passed me, so I'm not sure if he saw me cheerfully waving back.