<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(BitShifter01\";p=\"103748)</div> Gotta love the t-shirt giveaways! And you won a PSP, you lucky bastard! I think the sessions will be generally available on java.net sometime in the next week or so. The only reason I asked about the smackdown is because my application was mentioned as the largest commercial deployment of a JSF app, which was quite an ego boost.
Suffrin..you still da man...but your sarcasm is very "complex". You're right it did mostly go over my head, california is such a strange land to me from Texas. Can't say I have been very impressed by that state anytime I've been there. Found Frisco to be horrible + expensive, LA fast and crazy, Northern Cal - just plain madness, only place I really liked and appreciated was Napa Valley, the wine country, and St Helena.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(IALTMANN\";p=\"103872)</div> Hey now, California is great. Its the people that suck!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(IsrAmeriPrius\";p=\"103796)</div> We may be crazy, but at least we know how to use proper English. The phrase Could of is bad English. The correct way to express the possibility of doing something is Could have...[/b][/quote] ah, I'm on vacation and my brain isn't fully functional with a two week break. Since you are a blood sucking attorney I'm sure you fully understand perfectly. I'm sure when you are on vacation 5 months out of the year your english etiquette isn't properly spoken. No smack intended, I have a few attorneys in my family as well.
Is it true that someday they will have the giant quake in CA, then the rest of the nation will slide off into the sea leaving only CA??? :jester:
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(tleonhar\";p=\"104008)</div> Not quite a correct statement. After the giant quake, California will remain centered where it is. Along with the other continents, the rest of the nation will slide off and reform Pangea. California will still be THE place to be. 8)
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(BitShifter01\";p=\"103995)</div> Keep on driving recklessly and I may end up being the one who tries to keep you out of the slammer.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(Sufferin' Prius Envy\";p=\"103755)</div> Yes, they do give a discount to locals. Pachouli, B.O, and reefer. That is the only way you would have convinced them you are local. That and not saying something . . . well . . . non-local and with an accent. I just make sure I have plenty of gas when I drive through that area - With a Prius that is no problem. No, I wasn’t accusing you of bullying California drivers. Sometimes, even I would like to slap a few of them up side their head . . . but I might break their cell phone. :wink:[/b][/quote] I have never heard of the locals of Big Sur getting a discount. If so, then the owner would expect the same from the local restaurants, bars and liquor store. I live just north of there and know to fuel in Carmel before heading south. Big Sur residents for the most part work up north and all of them have to do their shopping in the Monterey area. The two stations there are in the news here whenever they start talking gas prices. Those stations are for the tourists who don't know any better.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(ScubaX\";p=\"104063)</div> Since the tourists are gouged so deeply, the stations can sell to the locals for a discount . . . knowing that most locals would not be buying from them anyway - even at the discounted price, which is much higher than in Monterey (especially if you can get gas at the Presidio or Naval Postgraduate School). It’s just a way to make the locals feel like they aren’t being taken advantage of like the tourists. It was a featured news article here in Sacramento several years ago regarding gas prices elsewhere in the state. Nobody would admit it on camera, but they all acknowledged it off camera as if they were the only one who would talk about it.
In all of our moves, we never had a gun pulled on us anywhere except Texas. The Texans like to tailgate in a big way and if you don't like it, you might just get shown their gun collection to entice you to drive a bit faster. (Not that it matters WHAT speed you were doing in the first place) In California we have a lot of foreigners here, many of which have just learned to drive. Don't know who is doing the teaching but he/she needs to be fired! But then the new drivers teach the rest of their family to drive and it just gets worse and worse. So glad I have my Prius to calm me down now and yet have enought power to get around and away from the nuts. We are in Colorado on vacation and have been cut off a number of times on the freeway. Don't they look? Or do they just not see me in their trucks and SUV's. BTW, my daughter informed me that we are no longer to use the word FOB. Apparently, in her circles, it stands for "Fresh Off the Boat". We are currently looking for a more PC word - at least when she is around. We've settled for transmitter for the moment.
We are crazy out here aren't we? haha! BUT- Since you were driving along our beautiful coast, you can see what keeps us here, especially near Big Sur- beautiful mountains and beautiful coast! Even outrageous living expenses don't keep us away. Isn't it cool to see all the Prii on the road? Especially in San Fran - down to LA, you will see a lot of them. The only place I have not seen many of them was Vegas... maybe they don't like the heat!! (thus proving how SMART they truely are hehe) WELCOME TO CALIFORNIA- Now LEAVE! (a funny license plate frame I noticed one day) Soon my plates should be arriving, that read I(heart)HWY1, and then I will have a personalized frame that says "EAT MY VOLTAGE" haha Hope you had fun out here!
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(kkister1492\";p=\"104175)</div> You may also want to call the Friends Of Bill Clinton and let them know they are being un-PC. Or better yet, call the Teamsters Union and tell them to stop using the shipping term “FOB.†They would get a good laugh out of it. But, if you really want to get them mad, tell them they can no longer get “FOB†. . . Full Of Beer! :lol: Instead of trying to come up with a new name for something that just happens to be called a FOB, just tell your daughter to stop trying to be a whiny do-gooder and to be more accepting of other cultures, traditions, languages, AND history itself. Trying to tear down everything because one interpretation may be un-PC is, in and of itself, un-PC! What ever happened to just trying to get along and accepting our differences? :roll: Next thing you know, your daughter will be informing you that she and her friends will be paddling ocean kayaks to Asia to tell the Mongolian People not to drink Yack milk . . . "Because everyone should be told, Milk is Death!†Fob tr.v. Archaic fobbed, fobbing, fobs To cheat or deceive (another). Phrasal Verb: fob off 1. To dispose of (goods) by fraud or deception; palm off: fobbed off the zircon as a diamond. 2. To put off or appease by deceitful or evasive means: needed help but was fobbed off with promises. fob n. 1. A small pocket at the front waistline of a man's trousers or in the front of a vest, used especially to hold a watch. 2. a. A short chain or ribbon attached to a pocket watch and worn hanging in front of the vest or waist. b. An ornament or seal attached to such a chain or ribbon. FOB abbr. free on board. adj. & adv. Abbr. FOB Without charge to the purchaser for delivery on board or into a carrier at a specified point or location. http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=FOB FOB Free On Board (shipping industry) FOB Facility Operations Branch FOB Fall Out Boy (band) FOB Family Owned Business FOB Father of Baby (medical records) FOB Father Of Boys FOB Father Of the Bride FOB Fecal Occult Blood FOB Federal Office Building FOB Festival of Bands FOB Fiber Optic Bundle FOB Field Operations Bureau FOB First Overtone Band FOB Flat on Bottom (drafting/drawing) FOB Flying Order Book (Royal Air Force) FOB Followers of the Bananameister FOB Foot of Bed FOB Foot Of Bill FOB Foot Over Bridge (railway stations) FOB Forbes Field (Topeka, Kansas airport code) Fob Foreign-Owned Bank FOB Forward Observation Battalion FOB Forward Observer Bombardment FOB Forward Operating Base FOB Forward Operations Base FOB Found On Base FOB Free on Board FOB Freight On Board FOB Fresh Off Broiler (Burger King) FOB Fresh Off the Beehangee (Korean for airplane) FOB Fresh Off the Boat FOB Fresh Off the Bone FOB Fresh Over the Border FOB Fried Onion Burger FOB Friend of Bill Wilson (Alcoholics Anonymous) FOB Friend(s) Of Bill (Clinton) FOB Friendly Order of Battle FOB Friends of Ben FOB From Origin of Business FOB Front of (sound) Board (concert sound systems) FOB Front of Book (magazine publishing) FOB Fuel on Board (aviation) FOB Full of Baloney FOB Full of Beer http://www.acronymfinder.com/af-query.asp?...act&Acronym=FOB
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(remaxmanager\";p=\"104189)</div> Yep, had a blast so far. Don't mean to hijack my own thread, but I am thinking about taking another trip back up to the Coastal Highway. I was wondering if anyone could give me any tips of some great places to sightsee going back up. I'm coming from LA and really would like to spend as little in the car as possible while driving back up to sightsee. I remember the best part of the trip being towards the end while driving south out of big sur. Anyone care to share any suggestions other than not buying gas in Big Sur again . Seeing all the Prii here is great! we have quite a few in Columbus but it seems like every other car in California is a Prius Ryan
If your trip would be anywhere around July 21st, me personally, I’d make sure I am somewhere near Vandenberg AFB to watch the test launch of a Minuteman III. [Broken External Image]:http://www.af.mil/media/photodb/photos/030813-F-8888U-005.jpg Keep in mind that when they announce the launch window, MM3s tend to launch at the very beginning of that window as they have a test range activated. The Minotaur launch would be fun too, but less predictable as it is a satellite launch, and they have yet to release the launch date. http://www.spacearchive.info/vafbsked.htm Check out Santa Barbara! Rent a Dune Buggy Pismo Beach. [Broken External Image]:http://www.sunbuggiefunrentals.com/newmain.jpg http://www.sunbuggiefunrentals.com/ Hearst Castle. If you didn’t stop there on your way south, by all means go. If you did, do it again . . . there are more tours to chose from. http://www.hearstcastle.com/ Make sure to save some time to check out the Elephant Seals at Piedras Blancas . . . just a few miles north of Hearst Castle. [Broken External Image]:http://www.pelicannetwork.net/images/e.seal.jve.1.gif http://www.pelicannetwork.net/sansimeon.html