That is what I thought too. 'B' can be used, if you don't want to use the brakes on icy conditions at a much slower speed compared to highway cruising.
Got a decent chance to check my speedo today on a long stretch of freeway with no other cars causing me to have to brake, accelerate etc. Put the cruise contol on for 100 kph and had my TomTom GPS to calibrate against. 100 kph on the speedo equated to 97 kph on the GPS. So long trip strategy will be to set cruise control to 105 kph which will have me travelling at 102 kph actual, still well below the tolerance the police allow for speedo error etc. Indicated fuel consumption for todays trip was 3.9 l/100 km using normal mode and not driving with economy in mind. Based on earlier calculations that equates to about 4.2 l/100 km. Very happy. David
Well, I haven't been ticketed, but it would be very easy for it to happen. On my street, all it would take is speed in excess of 25 MPH. Around town, all it would take is speed in excess of 35 MPH. On the freeways, all it would take is speed in excess of 60 MPH. Of course the Prius (any year, any model) is easily capable of reaching these speeds, and quickly. As a matter of fact, ANY vehicle (other than a NEV or a toy car) can do it.