Has anyone sourced an engine block heater. From what I've gathered they are only available from canadian dealers. Are they the same as the Hylander as stated?
Dewd, FWIW, there are non-make specific engine warmers such as this one that may work just fine in your situation: Wolverine Engine Oil Heaters Since there is no info in your avatar, can't tell if you can get one though.
It's the same model for all Toyota products. Actually, up until this year, the "Prius" EBH came with Lexus install directions.
I went today with the 400w Toyota EBH, instead of Wolverine (or similar) pad-based heater. Took my garage 1.5hr to install, 1hr less than the dealer. Theory being an EBH designed for the Prius will be better than any pad.
So there's a port milled into the block where the EBH goes? nice I'm in St.Louis. If I was closer to Chi. I'd take you up on the offer. I know you haven't done the Lexus but with the other installs was it necessary to drain the cooling system? Any chance you've got the Lexus instructions you could post? OT I ordered a "factory cd workshop manual" that's at the Post Office I'll pick up mon. Anyone familiar with it? Got off Flea Bay
Apparently, Phillips-Temro now makes the correct cartridge style heater for the 2004-2009 Prius Engine Block Heaters You can download their catalog and verify the part number. If you live in the EU, then Defa of Norway also makes the correct heater
Your "factory workshop manual" won't have any information on the block heater if it is like any official Toyota manuals. No drain down is needed. And I'd be happy to go down to St. Louis, just a day trip for me. Wayne
Thanks for the offer I pretty sure i can handle it. i've been working on vehicles since before they had seatbelt and have managed to keep up with the technology. I work as an electronic tech for the USPS repairing their automation equipment. Got the cd yesterday extremely comprehensive. Good wiring etc, unfortunatly i need a bigger widescreen monitor to view all the info in a size I can make out!
Probably too late to mention, but evan did an excelent play by play presentation on his hyhi ... and it's virtually the same as our 400h Lexus, if you need more detail. Both suv's are built on the camry platform, so as stated in threads above, there's lots of interchangability .