Is there a way to set the Nav screen to always be in night mode? I like it a lot better. I see on pg.32 of my Nav manual it says how to have it change when the lights are turned on but I'm wondering if anyone knows a way to have night screen on all the time (without turning on lights although I suppose that would be a workaround). Thanks.
Only way to do it without hacking into your wiring harness would be to run with the head lights on all the time.
I prefer the black background. But since I rarely use the Nav I just started leaving the screen in audio mode and that works for me.
Also if you have your dashboard lights all the way up the button is not there. The dial is down by your left knee and there is a notch you turn it past to set the lights at their highest.
Going Red.... Try hitting the DISP button on the bottom right side of your NAV screen (external) and then adjust the brightness accordingly....
Thanks but adjusting the brightness doesn't do it, you still have a white screen even if you dim it down. I would like it to be black all the time like it is when the lights are on, but I just leave it in audio mode and that works okay.