Check it if you can... "While Nymex oil futures are more than 50 percent higher than a year ago, they are still well below the inflation-adjusted high above $90 a barrel set in 1980." How classic. Re-factor the perspective. Yeah, I'm rich too. Compared to minimum waged McDonald's workers in 1979... :roll: Feel like you're too fat? Just look at that dude, he's 750lbs. and can't leave his bed... Heck no, your car isn't slow, it would have come in first in the 1942 Grand Prix... :cussing: :cussing: :cussing: :cussing: :cussing: :cussing: :cussing:
Even though it was poorly done and acted, if you had a chance to check out the FX movie "Oil Storm" makes you think how screwed we would really be should things get the way they did in that movie. Dave. Speaking of minimum wage...I can remember my first job's minimum wage pay was below $3/hour back in the late 80's...takes ya back doesn't it. :cussing: Not that our minumum wage is that much better now.
If you like oil storm you should check out the book called Blood & Oil. Outlines the depedance, shows the human cost and how this will only get worst before it ever gets better. Another great book is The Geography of Nowhere. this book shows how urban sprawl is driving the economy.