Well I have had my 2010 Prius for about 1 1/2 months and it has honestly been a nightmare. I have already had it into the dealership 4 times and about to be 5. First had to have a new amplifier put in, the 12 volt auxiliary battery was faulty so had to be replaced and now the Hybrid System warning light is on. I was putting my Prius through the car wash and all of the sudden the Hybrid System Warning light came on. I opened up the hood and to my amazement saw the fuse box cover was sitting to the side so all the fuses were exposed. Obviously when the dealership was putting in my new Aux batter they did not replace the fuse cover. I am assuming water got into the fuse box area and is the problem. Is this a big deal? Should I be concerned that the water could cause long term problems? By the way, I did let it dry out over night and the warning light is still on. Thanks
Sorry to hear about the issues. As fast as these cars are coming of the line I am not surprised (QC). A short has been the cause of the light coming on in at least one other case. The error will likely need to be clear by the dealer. I am sure you are going to give them the what for about leaving the cover off! Tell them you want something for your troubles like free gas card or something.
Sorry to hear of all your issues. As Spiderman suggested ask for something for their lack of "doing the job right"! Keep all your paperwork and if you continue to have many more issues take it up with Toyota. I am sure that the fuse box getting wet caused the message, but they should check it out and get you back in good shape. I would suspect there is no long term damage from this. They may have to replace some fuses and reset the warning...but you should be good once they check it out....(Let's hope so...you had enough now)
I dropped it off this morning and definitely let them know of my displeasure and that the number of times I have had to have it in the dealership in just 1 1/2 months was unbelieveable. Good suggestion asking them for something. I will do that when I pick it up. Thanks for the response and suggestions.
chanjor, any update on this__? i got a 2 month old white one in europe, with the same error msg, not wanting to start any more first it was showing the "Shift to P position and push power switch to turn off" and the "[P] lock mailfunction when parking, park in flat surface and apply parking brake securely" messages, so i called the hotLine, the guy came,there was no error msg stored in the computer of the car, so he easiyz restarted the car with an external battery and told me the battery was simply low. then i took the car for a 40 min drive, put it into the garage, and 3 days later the same thing happened... low battery i could hardly open the locks, i really felt the battery being empty.. then i took off the battery, charged it as it was discharged (it was charging with 4A for the first hour, then 1A the next two hrs, and after 3 hrs it seemed that the batt was fully charged.!!!!!), then i put the batt back, and the famous "Check Hybrid System" error appeared... of course, it still did not start, so I contacted the dealer who said that: - maybe the doors are open, or - maybe the car is not parked on flat surface, and the best part: - maybe i lost the warranty because i removed the 12v batt. very funny, mainly because there were signs of multiple insertion-removal on the side of the battery, so i was definitely not hte first one who did remove the batt. i did not speak to the dealer nor the hotLine since, planning to try to fix the battery issue by simply replacing hte batt, because a dealer telling me that the "Check Hybrid System" error means open doors, and that a charged battery means no more warranty is not a sign of any professional dealer - service... any suggestions, ideas, experiences with similar error msgs and dealers, pls?
You will see this message anytime you mess with the wiring. Just cycle the car (on/off) three times and the message should go away. [edit] sorry, didn't see the part about it not starting at all. Make sure the battery clips (orange) are securely fastened.
Have had the same issue. My Prius 2010 did not start at all and only showed Check Hybrid System. Tried all suggestions, then towed the car to service- the problem was in fuse box. Some wiring got corrossion. It was fixed and worked fine for about 9 months (20000 miles). Now again again got the same error Check Hybrid System but the car works fine. It is -15/20 celcius. Perhaps cold whether causes it as well.