I bought my 05 Prius 2 yrs ago and put new wheels on it a year ago. I am cleaning out the closet and looking to sell the OEM rims. I am in Berkeley, CA for local pick up or will ship at buyers expense. slight visible wear see photos. I also have 4 plastic snap rings, they are a little scratched but I will sell with the wheels or separate if that is all you are looking for. *Sorry having a hell of a time posting photos* the links don't seem to work but I can send links by request.
Are your rims still for sale? How much do you think it would cost to send them to Vancouver Island, Canada? Please reply to [email protected] Many thanks!
markiemark, If you haven't done so already, I would suggest that you click on Red Rocket's avatar name and click on the appropriate link to send him an email and/or a PM (private message). You're more likely to reach him if you send an email.