2002 Prius Stalling after Start-up

Discussion in 'Generation 1 Prius Discussion' started by Wolfcub, Dec 11, 2009.

  1. Wolfcub

    Wolfcub Junior Member

    Apr 13, 2008
    Ludlow, KY
    2002 Prius
    Leaving a store, trying to do my Christmas shopping, my 2002 Prius started up normally, stayed running for the time it took me to put on my seat belt, then flashed the warning triangle, the check engine light, the mileage display changed to engine problem warning, and stalled. I turned the key off, waited a few seconds and tried it again. This time it stayed running for about 5 seconds before stalling. Waited a minute then tried again with no crank whatsoever. All my lights come on brightly, all the fluids are fine and as far as I can see all hoses and cables are attached properly. After checking all this, and calling my mechanic for further suggestions, I tried one more time to start it. This time it stayed running, though still has all the warning lights on. I managed to get it home without any issues and am taking it to the mechanic tomorrow to have it fully checked.

    Both batteries are less than 6 months old. I had no issue accelerating or getting power once it was running. We have had a couple days of below freezing weather with no issues from the car. My car was warm already, having been driven the 30 minutes from work to the store where I was in there for about 10 minutes comparing prices.

    I'd like to have a rough guess of what it might be when I go to the mechanic tomorrow so that I can hopefully get my car back as soon as possible. He is going to check the codes, but doesn't have much experience with hybrids.

    Anyone have any ideas what could be wrong??
  2. bwilson4web

    bwilson4web BMW i3 and Model 3

    Nov 25, 2005
    Huntsville AL
    2018 Tesla Model 3
    Prime Plus
    Classic symptoms of a sticky throttle plate.

    Bob Wilson
  3. Wolfcub

    Wolfcub Junior Member

    Apr 13, 2008
    Ludlow, KY
    2002 Prius
    Thanks. Hopefully that's all it is and I'll be able to fix my car tomorrow and make it to work tomorrow afternoon.
  4. dang10010

    dang10010 New Member

    Jun 22, 2009
    2001 Prius
    My 01 does the same thing. I use 89 octane because my spark knock has gone away but it doesn't seem to help with the clunk sound. However, it doesn't do it every time its been below 25.
  5. jtrosario

    jtrosario Prius Pioneer

    Dec 9, 2003
    Elmhurst, IL
    2014 Prius Plug-in
    Plug-in Base
    My 2002 Prius with 96000 miles did about the same thing to me this week 3 times. Most every time the gas engine would start, then about 10 seconds later a very bad shudder, then engine off with the triangle, check engine, etc. At that point I could only move on electric. After taking a 15-20 min. break and waiting for the tow truck, I turned it on to move the car to a better parking spot and realized the engine stayed on. Drove home first(also pretty close to my dealer) then cleared the indicators by restarting 3 or so times.

    Didn't have any problems before, but had accidentally disconnected and reconnected the 12V battery before leaving home(My Westco 12V battery was mostly drained overnight due to a door left open), started O.K. but noticed some engine hesitation before getting to the destination where this had happened.

    2nd time - After replacing Westco 12V with Optima Yellow Top 12V yesterday, car starts fine, go to Home Depot. When leaving, same problem, keep trying to restart, but the engine keeps failing after about 10 seconds. My kids and I guess that wait time is 15 minutes, and sure enough after waiting 15 minutes, restart, and engine runs. Drive home and restart 3+ times to clear indicators.

    3rd time - The next day/today - 12V new battery is working great! Normal start. Go to two auto stores to buy Throttle cleaner(AutoZone) and the appropriate brush. When leaving 2nd store, same problem, same tries as a workaround(including waiting 5 minutes - which doesn't work), wait 15 minutes, restart, go home, wait for wife to come home, use other Prius to purchase CRC MAF cleaner and gas tank fuel injector cleaner at AutoZone, engine filter at Toyota.

    Learned how to remove the MAF Sensor here(thanks jayman):
    (See post #4 and just unscrew 2 philips screws marked "B" in the 1st picture with a very short screwdriver)

    Cleaned MAF Sensor(It was solid black) with the CRC MAF sensor cleaner at AutoZone.

    Learned how to clean Throttle Body here(thanks Bob Wilson):
    (also easier with the MAF sensor removed)
    Cleaning Prius Throttle

    Cleaned Throttle Body(It was filthy), put back dry MAF sensor, then put in new engine air filter. Also added fuel injector cleaner to gas tank later on at gas station.

    Started car, revved great then stall after 30-40 seconds, restarted, drove around 20 minutes to clean it out and fill up gas tank. The engine sounds great now. Also did several short trips, no problems, no messages or check engine light.

    Went from being to scared to even go near an MAF sensor, to a DIY on this in one day and will also do our 2004 Prius(103K miles) next week.

    Had previously got this quote from dealer(but had put it off):
    EFI and t-body (includes both Fuel Injector Cleaning and Throttle Plate Cleaning) $184.95
    Clean MAF Sensor $64.95

    I was going to pay $185 + $65 = $250 then x 2 for our 2004 Prius = $500.

    Supplies cost about $25 for both cars (not including engine air filters)
    My savings $475
    I am SOOOOOO thrilled.:):):):):)

    Thank you soooo much PriusChat.