The last four mornings in a row, immediately after I shut down my 2007 Prius (sometimes even as I am taking my finger off the power button), a single beep sounds. Oddly, this happens only after my morning commute to work, never after I drive home or make any other trips during the day. Any ideas what it could be? There are no warning signals on the dash, and my fob seems to be fine (red light blinks when I use it, so I'm guessing it may not be the fob battery running low). It has been unusually cold this week, but not sure if that could be the problem. Thanks for any ideas!
Check by pressing any button on the fob (you do not have to be near the car). If the red LED in the corner does *not* flash, then the fob battery is dying.
Thanks for the replies, folks. I at first thought it was the fob battery too, since that is what I saw in the common issues thread. But I did try clicking a button on the fob to see if the red light would flash, and it did, which is why I worried it could be something else and made the original post. But I'll give changing the battery a shot BTW, I have been using the same fob since I bought the car in late 2006. Since I haven't used the second fob at all, do you guys think that battery is OK, or is it possible it will need to be replaced as well?
When I had my 04, I replaced the batteries in both fobs even though one had been hardly used. It's easy, cheap, and good insurance.
I don't have the SKS system, and I'm now getting the single beep on power off. I think we will plan on replacing the 12-volt battery, to be on the safe side.
I was having a problem with the SKS not consistently recognizing the key fobs on my car beginning about 24 months after taking delivery. The red light on the fob would still flash when I pressed the button on the fob, but the doors and hatch would not open when the fob was in my pocket or in my wife's purse. I replaced the batteries in both fobs and the problem went away. I'd change the fob battery before looking at anything else. Based on my experience, I also wouldn't take the red light on the fob as evidence of a fully functional fob battery.
Sorry for bumping this thread, but just thought I would post my thanks as I have been baffled the last few weeks as to why I kept hearing this single beep each time I shut the car down, with no other warning signs. Sure enough, when I press the buttons on (either) fob, the red light no longer flashes, so I guess it's pretty clear the battery is the issue. Next challenge: figure out how to get this fob open to change it! Thanks... Edit: Check that, it's actually quite easy to replace the keyfob battery; for some reason last time I struggled to figure out how to get the cover off, but this time it opened quite easy. Now to pick up a couple CR2032 batteries...
That's great! I had a similar mystery, hearing a single beep every time I shut down the Prius. Turns out, it was my cellphone, which I keep plugged in, within the console. It beeps when the power is removed from it - which is when I shut down the Prius!
It was nice to read it might be the smart key because I've been experiencing that for the last week as well. However, something new happened today on the way into work and I'm wondering if it's because my key is REEEEEEEALLY low on battery strength? I was driving along, then my hazard triangle flashed briefly on the dash (about half a second) and the car beeped, but it was the beep like I set a radio station, not the usual beep I hear when I shut the car off. The car didn't buck or seem to power down, and I think something may have flashed quickly on the screen, but I missed it. Any ideas?
One possibility would be the low temp warning, when the ambient air temp drops down to 37 degrees F. The idea behind this warning is to advise you to watch out for freezing roads.