Could somebody please explain to me why my profile photo isn't showing up on these forums? I uploaded a photo of myself to my profile a week ago, and I can see it in my profile, but it's still not showing up in any of these posts. Thanks, Scott
Your profile pic was a *.gif which is not accepted as an avatar. Without your permission, I downloaded your picture, converted it and uploaded it as your avatar. I would say that it's all better now but perhaps it was better without the picture. ound:
Hahahaha!! Thank you so much for clarifying what the problem was!! And thank you for fixing it! You are an awesome moderator!
I think I need the same. My file is a JPG and is the right size, but it doesn't show up with my messages. How do you convert a JPG to an avatar?
How did maggieddd get her .gif file (see below) accepted as an avatar? [IMGLINK][/IMGLINK]
Tony, Sorry to bother you, but I'm also having trouble with my profile picture. It's in the jpg format. How can I fix it so it will appear on my posts? Thanks for your help. jlynnwatts Revised: I figured it out. Thanks. I just need to read carefully! jlynnwatts
Hello, Newb here. I know you will have a field day wih this question do I upload a profile pic? I can't even find an option for it. FYI - stoked that there is a web site like this. Just got my Prius on Sat. LOVE IT!
PRomethIUS and welcome to Priuschat. :welcome: To set your avatar: - Up on the top of the page, click [User CP] - On the left of that page click [Edit Avatar] From there you can pick a car or upload your own picture.