Is there a person in Alsip, IL that has a Prius. I drive there every day on the weekend to go to my dad's plant, but I've never seen a Prius in that town.
Do you think 3/4 mile north of Alsip would do? You might see my Salsa Red '05 driving around "Food For Less" or "Dairy Queen" on Pulaski on the weekends. Wayne
No, always too crowded to bring the family in and find a seat fairly quickly. By the way, you missed a good Prius meet-up today at the Weber Grill that you suggested. Wayne
Yea, I'm sad that I couldn't go. Btw, my dad's plant is right by JLM chemicals, Maddison Paper Company, and Vans Floral.
Although my wife works in Alsip, that wouldn't help you on your weekend visits. She uses the Prius for the trip at least once a week because I don't put many miles on it myself. Sounds like I missed a good one Sunday. I was having barbeque in St. Louis, where I saw the St. Louis Wind Symphony.
my husband and i live in palos hills, but we go to blue island (through alsip) most sundays, maybe you'll see us in our tideland green.
I usually see a driftwood parked at Walgreens across the street from Dunkin Donuts everytime I drive that certain route in Cal City, I think.