We received this via Twitter from @OKBrooke, and this video was too awesome not to pass along. There has been quite the divide amongst Prius enthusiasts over the line of "Harmony" commercials used to promote the 2010 Prius. Some love them, some hate them (I'm in the hate them category). One segment of the population definitely loves them: babies. It appears that Toyota has found a way to make the future of America 100% Prius drivers. Market to them early, right?
Why would anyone hate those commercials? Okay, I don't "hate" them...but since I don't wet myself, need a bouncy walker and have been on the planet more than 36 months...I strongly dislike them. The above video IS the commercial...it's great. That's too cute for even me to not like. BUT... That was always one of my contentions and criticisms of the ad campaign....it's like it's an episode of the Telletubbies. The childs reaction is cute, but really shouldn't be too suprising. Toyota created an Ad campaign that stylistically aproached a kiddie program. Really IMO the above "reaction" video is better than the commercial itself. If you could consistently get that type of reaction from a group of kids within that age range? I think Toyota could make a better commercial out of that. So little Cash's vote aside, I still dislike the commercial...I know Toyota wants to target a younger consumer but what's next? The Scion "Teether"?