If I'm on my phone and want to transfer the exisiting call to the Prius, how do I do that? Or if I take a call from the Prius and get out of the car how do I transfer the call to my phone?
Different model phone have different procedures. My Sprint LG PM-325 has an in call menu with an "Audio transfer" command.
Hmm, interesting, it's just that with my Jabra headset it looks like there is a way to hand off the call between the headset and the phone. So I thought it was on the hands free side that offered the feature, i.e., on the Prius side. I have a Sony Ericsson T610. Anyone else tried the bluetooth call handoff with this phone?
IsrAmeriPrius: I am getting a phone in a couple of weeks and was once considering the LG 325. Do you have specific instructions on transfer. Letstalk.com doesn't have Sprint.
Don't mean to hijack the thread here but, since everyone seems to rag on the V710, here's the procedure: 1) Transferring to car: automatic.....no user intervention necessary. 2) Transferring to phone (after powering down car): phone displays, "Bluetooth signal weak, use handset?" Hit "Yes" and the call is transferred to the phone.
I would not get the LG PM-325 for its (crippled) Bluetooth functions. We get a 25% corporate discount with Sprint through my wife's employer. The PM-325 is currently the only affordable Bluetooth option with Sprint. The user guide is pathetic. Most of what I know about operating the phone I learned by trial and error. That being said, while the phone is connected to the car through the Bluetooth connection during a call, a menu displays. One of its options is Audio Transfer. This will shift the call to and from the Handsfree system. Unlike some of the other phones I have seen discussed here, the PM-325 does not automatically transfer calls to and from the Handsfree system as the Bluetooth connection is established and terminated.