To make a long story short don't ask how but the liquid Glade Air Fresheners left a permanent stain on my plastic mold: location is the gray plastic to the right of the radio that molds around and then some on the passenger side. So anyway, it's stained, I called Glade and it's permanent. With that said, I know for a fact all parts from Toyota are EXTREMELY over priced. So first question, any ideas and if yes names and links would be quite helpful where I can order a new molding? Second question, I need instructions, pics, videos, or a combination of all on how to remove and install the mold. Hopefully I don't need to take off a lot of stuff to just get to that mold. Please help me.
Just as a last ditch effort, try some goo-gone, and if that doesn't work, a Mr. Clean eraser pad. It's worth a shot if you think it's ruined anyway.
Check the local Salvage yards. Probably find a crashed Gen II in there somewhere. As to how to replace it...don't know.
I'll give the Goo Gone a shot and take it from there. Junk yards, that will require some research. Anything else people?
No dice on the GooGone and this part new is $158.02. So unless I can find it under $50 and the instructions on how to do it, I am going to suck it up, remind myself it's just a car not a Hot Rod, and realize in 5 years it really won't matter.
Is it the stick-um, or the Glade freshener oil itself that is the cause of the stain? If it's the sticky, I would second the suggestion of Goo-Gone...but you already said it didn't work. If, however, it is the oil itself, then you might try oil to remove it. First, I would call a friendly detailer, and see if they have any suggestions. It is their job to get your car looking like new, so they (hopefully) have a few tricks that we ordinary mortals might not know. Barring that, try a citrus cleaner...but keep in mind that while it's great for degreasing, the oil may have soaked *in* to the plastic. I wonder if taping kitty litter to the dash would do anything? It soaks up oil spills in a driveway... As a last ditch effort, I might try a light hydrocarbon...gasoline is usually available and is very cheap. You may have to use multiple applications. Chuck
You don't want to know how to remove it. It requires you start at the drivers side, and take most of the parts out so you can get at the few fasteners holding it. A dealer might charge for 2-3 hours of work, or around $200-$300 plus the cost of the part. A detailer might only charge you $100 to clean it up. I guess this is why they have car fresheners.
This instruction from Hobbit's site may help: Good luck!
Hi Speedy74, can you post a photo. It might help someone here come up with a brainwave on how you can help conceal it.
I will stop by detailers but I am convinced there is no fixing/removing this. It's not it's a sticky substance or whatever, it actually changed the tone of the car/color on that small section. As far as ideas for covering it up, I am up for that, but all and all the only idea I came up with and like but will require to find someone competent enough to do is airbrushing a design on it. Same concept for when people get tattoos to cover a scar. Past that, I rather spend the $158 on getting an XM radio than on a piece of plastic for just cosmetic reasons. I am not giving up on it yet, but commonsense tells me in this case it's hopeless unless I replace it or have it painted some how. We'll see.
According to the Prius PDF that the other poster posted, that isn't correct. In fact, after reviewing it all I have to do is find a flat wood or plastic took to carefully remove it. If this is true and I can find this part after market much less than what Toyota is asking for, then I will go and do that.
Better read it again. "Unfortunately, to get the stereo out, you must remove eight other parts first, including two panels behind the steering wheel. Most parts have edges that are held down by other parts, so they must be removed in a specific order without too much deviation. "
Speedy- Try the Mr. Clean eraser pad. If that doesn't work, I'm POSITIVE a *good* detail place will have a guy that can paint-match that piece without moving it. I had a guy that did door panels, consoles, and even the rubber dash on my '07 vette when I mucked it up with adhesive. Good Luck.
If it's the peice I think it is, you could buy those wood-look applique bits and cover over the ugly with a new look.
In Fla every one here knows better then to use a liquid air freshener as with the heat they explode, and melt plastic. good luck
He's not removing the stereo. From the description, it's the piece of plastic that contains the passenger side vent. That pops off without removing anything else.
I haven't tried yet, but exactly. If I am NOT removing the stereo, and if I read the PDF right, then you do NOT need to remove all the other panels. As far as did I get to the detailer yet? The answer is no. Too much going on and in the grand scheme of things this is really trivial.