Well, after all my anti-Tom speak, I went and saw this yesterday. And it was actually pretty fun. Yeah it was stupid and very silly but it was a fun ride and worth the $6 I paid to get in. Tom was only partially annoying so it wasn't all bad...
Totally missed seeing the Prius. It bugged me also that with everything EMPed, cameras still work "just fine". I was slightly annoyed that this b-movie turned from an alien invasion to a long treatise about parenting. The screaming little girl just kept reminding me of the girl who can tell you the future from 4400 too... When they focused on just the alien invasion stuff it was pretty cool. Esp the anti-'Close Encounters of the Third Kind" musical horns. Although it was somewhat Revelations-like with armageddon coming with horns, and people too busy with their little lives to notice all the news reports all over the world about "strange lightning". I also kept thinking "just spray water on the aliens!", but wrong movie. Of course, this story is based on not-quite modern scientific knowledge of H.G. Wells. Afterall, what alien species with such technology and "cars" that can still be driven after being parked "a million years" be totally ignorant of biological warfare, or just simple biological protection protocols? Otherwise, I rathered have gone and seen Batman Begins for the 3rd time.
I saw it yesterday with my son. I did catch the Prius in there thanks to the tip here. Ya would say the Cruise and screaming girl thing did get to be a bit annoying, but the alien craft were quite cool. I wished they'd spent more time showing them especially in the battle with the military. Also I noticed what could have been a little subtle anti-SUV sentiment. Cruise make a comment early one about how that type of vehicle must be safe and later on one of them is the first thing to fall in the hole, come flying out and to come to a smashing landing. As far as the EMP thing goes it seems they got it half right. I think the still camera the person had was a disposable film camera which may still work depending one what an EMP would do to film. As far as the camcorder goes maybe we are to believe that guy had it stored in the basement in a EMP shielded box just for moments like this... yea, right. :lol:
We saw "War of the Worlds" last night. No doubt it was entertaining--a darker version of most "alien" movies but full of tension good acting, and great effects. Yes, Tom Cruise has opened his mouth a bit lately and seems to be off his usual predictable demeanor, but this not negate the fact that he's a quality actor. Anyone remember "Born on the Fourth of July", "The Color of Money", or "Rainman"? But what about the PRIUS in the movie? Because of this thread, I was on the lookout for it. However, I also kept looking for that Tideland among all of the crashed, non functioning cars destroyed by the "war". Not one to be seen. I wonder if this is meant to be a comment on the quality of the Prius, or just an oversight.
It's my understanding that most of the cars that are destroyed in movies are cars that they find in junk yards from old accidents. They then only fix them enough to fool the camera, then destroy them. And even when they explode a modern car, often they edit in such a way that the car that actually explodes has had it's guts stripped out and sold first. Thus, the actual car that is seen thruout a film can then make the Auto Show route -- if the movie was popular. I suspect they would not find many Prii that way. As for the car in the movie, I've been sharpening up my "Prius vision" since I got the car last August, so I can use my "Prius wave". so I spotted it right away. Alas, I think the "Prius wave" had died. As for the movie, I liked it quite a bit, though not enough to see it again until I can get it from Netflix. Batman, however, I may just see again in the theatres.
actually i specifically looked to see what damage would be done to the car and there was none. not even close to be honest with ya. besides the drive by when the storm first started at the beginning of the movie, there was also another (looked like the same Tidelands) parked on the side street after cruise ran downtown. neither was hit and most of the damage you saw was CG anyway. most likely there were NO cars damaged at all. what they do is shoot a regular street scene that is empty and project it on a green screen. the actors act in front of the green screen so cruise was no where near the east coast. (probably on a soundstage in LA) the tumbling cars are thrown in with CG wizards. one of the benefits of buying the Extended Platinum version of Lord of the Rings was the two bonus disks that came with the movie that went through extensive detail on how the award winning special effects were done. so what looked like total destruction of several blocks of new jersey, was actually all a figment of some special effects teams' imagination..
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(mehrenst\";p=\"103213)</div> I've been listening to Jeff Wayne's musical adaptation again. Been many, mnay years since I heard it the 1st time. Richard Burton and that voice !
For those of you who haven't seen the movie yet (I just saw it...30 minutes ago)...The Prius that we're all talking about is a Tideland Pearl and is shown in the background when Tom Cruise's character (Ray) is looking back towards his house and observes the strange storm formulating a few miles behind his house (in the beginning stage of the movie). With the 2004/05 Toyota Prius driving by and SpongeBob being shown on television (when Dakota's character's watching tv) will definitely date this movie as an early 21st Century 2004/2005 movie. Movie was entertaining, I thought. I stress the word, Entertaining. Nothing more, nothing less. This is only my personal opinion, of course.
I spotted the Prius in the movie too. I disliked the movie big time. Get a laugh at: www.tomcruiseisnuts.com
plastic bag with ziplock should be sufficient. if that isnt an option for u, turn off the smart key detection system, stash key inside and make sure you hide the car so no one can find it
I'm waiting until it hits the local dollar venue to minimize my subsidy of those Scientology nutballs.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(DaveinOlyWA\";p=\"102558)</div> Based upon that comment, I expected to see a lot more of the Prius in the movie than its mere seconds long cameo appearance which is not even relevant to the story line. Oh, yes, I did enjoy the movie.
<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(DanMan32\";p=\"105402)</div> Posted in the wrong thread? [/b][/quote] uhh...hmmm...i think i need to work on my multi-tasking skills...or stop watching TV while posting