I am looking at a III with a sticker price of 23900. This was the dealer demo car and currently has a little over 1500 miles. The car has everything expect for nav and moonroof. They said they will give a $1000 discount right up front on the car, bringing the total to 22900. I have read of others getting a 1000-1500 off MSRP for brand new III's. What would be a good price for this car? Also this same dealer has 8 Prius on the lot and have a nice II for 22900 also if I decide not to go with the demo should I try and get 1000 off the II. Really could use the advice they were closing so I am going back first thing in the morning. Thanks
Well the thing is the dealer was pretty rude, and didn't even want to show me the other cars they had on the lot. I'm not set on this car and would rather go to another dealer. So what would be a good deal on a III.
If you felt the salesman at the dealer was rude, then definitely go someplace else. Even if they wanted to try to push you into the III demo, there's no reason to not be nice. And not wanting to even show you the other cars on the lot? Wth? They should willing to take slightly over dealer invoice for a demo. I would definitely go to another dealer. Inventories that were wiped out in the cash for clunkers program are now returning to more normal levels. That should mean discounts are available.
For me, that would be a clear message - go to another dealer. As for the discount they offer, I would ask for at least $2000 down the MSRP for a 1500 mile car, maybe even more. It was subjected to many different drivers in that time and surely had no proper break-in period.
Thanks for the advice, I have been to this dealer before and they were good last time out. I am going to go back and haggle them down on the price for the demo. If they aren't willing to work then I will walk I am in no way tied to this dealer or car. Looking at invoice pricing for a III it seems to be 21400, so would an offer of 21900 be a fair offer, they make 500 and I get 2000 of MSRP. Also what are the real differences between a III and a II? They also had a II I liked that I may make an offer on.
$1,000 discount for a used car, driven by lots of people who could care less about it, isn't worth it. The dealer will say it's a new car because it hasn't been titled yet, but the reality is it's used--and is worse than one that was owned by 1 person for 1,500 miles (who hopefully took care of it).
I'd start with an offer of dealer invoice. I wouldn't want to pay more than $500 over invoice for a "used" car. There are relatively few differences between a II and III. It is basically the availability of Nav and Solar options. I'm not sure how the sticker price came to $23,900. On the Toyota website, Base sticker for a III including the $750 destination charge is $24,150. The sticker price you quoted must have been w/o the destination charge but with some accessories.
I agree. Even if you only keep the car 4 years, you are only saving $250 a year. The satisfaction of starting with a pristine, brand new car is worth that price!