well i do not actually have a hp number, it put out 195 in 1967, but that was on an old 2bbl carb and on the old hp ratings (no exhaust, no pumps and alternators, ect.) it is now EFI and the TBI system uses larger intake ports so it can get more air, and it is all "stock" no cam upgrades nothing, hell the exhaust is 1967 for the most part remember it may be a v8, but it is not much bigger than the 4.3v6 in my jimmy if i wanted 400+hp i would have used the good ol trusty 350 5.7 SBC, but this ol trusty 283 4.6 SBC is just as reliable
Escalation and refusal to disengage are likely to cause a judge to disallow, and a jury to disbelieve, claims of self defense.
To respond to your question, I'm fortunate to live in a pretty progressive part of the country and haven't experienced what you have. While I sympathize with your situation and concern for your personal safety, I wouldn't take it too personally. Take the high road and - not to be too high-minded here - but realize that there are a lot of ignorant people out there, regardless of what kind of vehicle they're in. We have to share our world and roads with them. Bad behavior on their part doesn't warrant a response.
Who gives a shit at that point? If someone wants a fight, they can have it. I'll make sure they throw first and it is witnessed. I'll finish it and be the first to press charges. Past that I don't really care. This concept of putting up with bullies is stupid. They get their jollies by pushing folks around who won't stand up to them. I've stood up to a few and they are cowards, just like Foxsux24.
220 hp out of a V8 is shameful. My little I4 was getting around 180 hp naturally aspirated and had the torque to match.
This sounds like a fast track to having one's voter registration and concealed pistol license revoked. Permanently. In mutual combat, first throw is irrelevant. It used to come with free room and board, but now they are charging for that too. Sorry, no evictions for not paying.
Fighting back is not illegal in most places...picking a fight, if the other person decides to press charges, *is.* And yes, "who threw the first punch" is definitely important. There was a lady in one of our local suburbs who, while having a barbecue with her friends, had an attempt made on her child. Good Texan woman that she is, she used the barbecue fork and held the guilty party at bay till the police came. After they stopped laughing (she wasn't holding the fork tines at his *neck,* but instead a little further south), the police congratulated her on a creative approach...standing up for herself and her family was not viewed as a negative. Heck, she ended up on the news, as a local hero! I am an inherently non-violent person. It's been proven, especially for me, that avoiding conflict is preferable to participating in it. But, I support anyone's right to "stand up" to a bully. Whether on the playground or the parkway, it's the only successful way to handle them. Chuck
I note your location is Texas. Keep in mind that Texas has wild west laws and attitudes. What's legal in Texas is not necessarily legal in the rest of the country. For example, I can't legally shoot a car thief in my driveway just because it's after dark. Tom
Over the past few decades, drivers in general have been getting a pass. There needs to be a crackdown, including road rage. If incidents like at the start of this thread are busted only one in twenty, they still get caught and think twice before trying it again.
Indeed, this is true...Texas has always been a bit ahead of the rest of the country. It may take a while for the rest of you to catch up, but, you're welcome to pass reasonable laws that more closely mirror our laws. On a serious note. You *really* can't shoot a burglar? WOW! What are you supposed to do in the case of a burglary? Chuck
Who said we can't shoot burglars? Auto theft in the driveway is not burglary. Outside of Texas, anyway.
Texas did pass a "castle law" over a year ago...break into a residence in Texas and the occupants legally can shoot without warning....don't know if that applies to getting into someone's yard
Texans do not look to government entities to solve our problems for us. We pride ourselves on a "rugged individualism" approach that has served us well through our history. And, let's face it...unless a policeman lives *in* your home, there will be a significant delay until their arrival. That's just a fact. I respect the police, and the job they do, especially considering the risks they take every day...but they can't be everywhere, immediately. Until then, what...cower in fear? I prefer the Texan way. I'm not saying to "shoot when you see the whites of their eyes," but if someone is invading my property, they should expect the *possibility* of being deterred *by me.* Knowing that the police can't arrive for 15-30 minutes (in many cases) does not serve to deter such crime...conversely it may actually serve to encourage it. It seems that the intention of some is to make it easy/safe for the thief? There *should* be risk involved, when engaging in theft. A potentially armed homeowner, with the right to shoot, is a most effective deterrent. Chuck
Outside Texas, burglary generally means breaking into or otherwise illegally entering a building with intent to commit other serious crime. Unless your lawyer has a legislative majority, don't expect him to be able to extend this to include the driveway. Outside Texas, trespass, auto prowl, and auto theft are not the serious crimes or threats against a person that open up the strongest self defense measures.