I just got my 2010 III and have a Fuel Consumption screen question. On the 1-minute/5-minute interval screens there is no display for the AVG fuel consumption or AVG speed?
Not below there is not but it should be in the bar graph. Those are cumulative minutes so idle and warmup I believe are in those graphics. If you need the AVG Fuel and AVG Speed you will need to look at the Trip Meters either A or B if I recall correctly.
on the steering wheel, there are two buttons, one for the display, the other for mileage (trip)... u simply need to hit that button to get what you want.
You didn't change the trip display. There are 5 modes, slectable by Trip steering wheel button (TripA, TripB, Odo, km-to-next-tank, Off). Avg. speed and consumption for the given Trip A/B are visible on 2nd HSI and 3rd Interval consumtion screen.
Is there a web page somewhere with mode detailed explanation/walk-through of the info screens on the 2010 Prius? I find this particular screen with 1 min/5 min averages and multiple bar graphs. The owner's manual doesn't explain all that well. What are the bar graphs (from left to right)? Do they reflect Trip A and/or Trip B trip odometers? I think a line chart would have been more intuitive (with time on the X-axis and avg mpg on the Y axis).
It is exactly what it shows, x axis is 1min/5min time interval history and bars shows the average consumtion for given period. Solid bar is a consumption and "cars" bar shows the recuperated energy (1 car = 30/50 Wh). The bar graph is most appropriate for this type of info and it is easily readable. You have a separate charts for Trip A or B, selectable by TRIP button on the steering wheel.
I got confused by the diagram on pg 195 of the 2010 Prius manual that shows an arrow pointing to the right-most bar with the legend "Fuel consumption in the last 30 minutes". Now that I understand this, that is the fuel consumption in the last 5 minutes. It is the left-most bar that is the consumption in the last 25-30 minutes. (this is with the 5 min avg setting)
How can you achieve the different last 1 min mpg's among Trip-A and Trip-B? I believe the last 1min/5min mpg's on both Trip-A and Trip-B should be the same. Ken@Japan