I just want to drive my car and not be harassed by morons. I do not bother others. I do not care what someone else drives. If someone wants to ask me real informative questions about my vehicle I am more than happy to answer them.
I live in OC as well! Im a talent buyer for the Slidebar in Fullerton, if you ever wanna come down, talk cars, have a few drinks (on me of course), I'm always around. lemme know! -david ps. im very into the fiveaxis stuff. I went the tanabe route on my car and just got some TRD wheels. The Eneos modd'd honda insight from the 09 SEMA show is always parked in our lot too.
How did you fit 18 wheels on it? Are they like side by side making the overall tread width really wide or did you stretch the car to add extra axles?
I wasn't so different once. In fact there are more than a few here who have felt the same as you do. Eventually one must examine their lifestyle choice and should assume responsibility for their actions. I couldn't stomach the degredation I was contributing to with my race cars and I make a decision to reduce my negative impact and I sold all of the excess pollutors and kept the Prius. That doesn't make me better than you in any way but I do feel that I am being more responsible. Whether you decide to examine your own lifestyle and make changes is up to you but know that some Prius owners frown upon the activities of the "big dirty truckers" for a very valid reason, their activities are polluting the lungs, environment, and economy of our country. That is based on simple facts. I realize you are just being defensive and I'm not going to call you names or insult your intelligence. I was once not so different and you should have seen the s^%$ I talked on the racing forums.
Of course you do, and that's what about 75% of us here do too. But as unfortunate as it is, It's the vocal minority of every demographic that tends to perpetuate stereotypes. For every outspoken "hybrid hippie elitist" there are 3 regular guys with prius's just trying to get by happily enough. for every douche in a raised truck who thinks every street is part of his own personal monstertruck rally, there are 3 who genuinely enjoy offroading. this isn't pointed at anyone in particular, but I find this style of holier than thou thinking slightly offensive. Maybe none of you are intending it, but it comes off holier-than-thou. It is (for now at least) a very middle-class concern to get on someones case for having an inefficient car whilst we drive around in our hybrids. Some people don't have fun cars and daily drivers, they take what little money theyve got and try to get the most out of life with it, which is sometimes a gas guzzling but fun muscle bound daily driver (for me its my lowered prius with 18" wheels). Is it the smartest choice? NO. But they're not like an oil conglomerate who can definitely afford to be green, but doesn't for the sake of profit. they're likely just people getting by and trying to alleviate the crush of life's disappointments and daily grind. im no different. Im new-ish here and im part of the emerging hybrid sub-culture who are getting into a prius but aren't as attached to the ideals of those who bought prius' at their inception. I love my gas milage, but I really dont care that I'm into rice-ish looks and feel too nor do i care that I'm looking for it from my prius. Its a positive sign that our community is getting more and more diverse, although there are always going to be an older generation who bashes the next. Basically, all i meant was there's nothing new under the sun with us, or them. Life's tough. some people like to use their cars for recreation, and right on. its exactly what im doing with my prius. yes, big cars are very bad for the environment and thats a serious issue. but I'd just as soon point the finger back at myself for not doing more, or place the blame on bigger political/social issues and personally take action, than tell some guy who worked hard for his money how lame he is for having a truck. /rant
the only harassing i would actually do to any prius owner would be taking off like a "bat out of hell" at a light, i certainly not be tailgating or any other harassing that some drivers do
A bunch of us just helped you solve your girlfriend's Prius problem. Next time you see a Prius how 'bout smile and wave seeing as it could be one of the people that helped you? Just a thought.
good post it's nice to know there's a reasonable articulate sensible Prius owner on the board who can talk to a non-Prius owner without reflecting poorly upon the group this is an excellent post FxsX24, your girlfriend owns a Prius, you surfed this site to find a solution to her car problem, the members helped you ... the end i like doing burnouts in my other vehicles i like doing wheelies too i shoot a lot of stuff, and i eat a lot of dead animals but i don't come here to talk about it, because it upsets the superior but tender sensibilities of the priuschat membership so talk about that stuff elsewhere, and enjoy the resource for what it provides be nice and respect Prius owners, and hopefully they'll treat you the same
I live in NY, where there are a lot of Prius on the road, so I have not experienced any problems. But I have heard that there are ignorant people out there. Hold your head high and be proud. You are doing your part to lessen foreign oil dependance and saving the planet. Go Prius!
If they know full well what they are doing, how will that help? In years of discussions on this along with road encounters I will say such "truck studs" are at more sensitive than "hysterical women". Stuff like off-roading truckers attacking here and CleanMPG, me getting banned, running others off from GearHeadHybrid for depicting stuff like the Prius rage in this thread , seeing hundreds of articles mindlessly bashing hybrids in general and the Prius in particular. Now that 1.5M Prius have been sold and it's on the top 10 in US sales, this kind of hate is obviously irrational....that it goes on speaks volumns about millions. One of the many things wrong with the GOP is reflected in talk shows that bash hybrids as unpatriotic...just as GM tried to be profitable making only sub 15mpg vehicles, Rush and company is doing the same crazy addition by subtraction on the political stage....these truck studs don't care many of those F150s and Rams are built in Latin America, and they are sending more money ($600-700B annually for the US) to OPEC nations we have to borrow from China...this is not conservatism and insulting to those that actually are.
Rule one: Do not feed the trolls. Rule two: Do NOT feed the trolls. Rule three: If you MUST feed this particular troll, wait a couple of years until he's actually old enough to drive.
i never said anything about my s10 being big, if i were mr acting all tough i would still be firing off random/useless comments about prius drivers and there prius cars hmmm lifted 4wd wrangler vs lowered 2wd s10, thats not an obvious winner there, i wont drive a small car because i do not want do drive a small car, i dont think that people only notice the truck either, the ones that do notice it appreciate the work that has gone into it to go from a crappy 120hp 4 banger to a 220hp v8, you have never even seen my "piece of crap truck" so you have no clue of what shape its in
Gotta admit, I love the choice of usernames: FxsX24 which as a license plate translates to Fox-suCKS-24/7 This reminds me very much of another truck poster roughly a year ago...he hated the Prius and Prius owners, but his wife wanted one so he was fit to be tied. He didn't dare ridicule her, so he projected his hatred onto the rest of us. But what do I know? I drive a 4WD truck about half the time and can't understand the retardation of many other truck drivers. When I've got a problem with someone I don't use the truck to settle it, I prefer mano a mano. Funny thing is, when I get out to go yank some stupid donkey out of his truck through the window so we can settle up, he wants to let bygones be bygones. Imagine that?
Your remark is ignorant. Saying "not to sound like an donkey" before you say something doesn't make you not sound like an donkey. That's like saying "I don't mean to be racist but..."
All you can get out of a V8 is 220hp? Really? I've seen I-4's get 400+HP! You've got some work to do.
Yes, I believe it, have had the same thing happen a few times while driving the Prius, but NEVER while driving the FJ