I just signed up and have a question on the side windows in our 05 Prius. The left rear side window shattered inward this afternoon. Road conditions were dry and clear, temperature at 45 deg F, and a flat bed tow truck was passing me at the time. My first impression was that the car had been shot at and hit. In fact, I pulled onto the shoulder and checked myself over to see make sure I was in one piece. All of the glass went inside the car, landing on the rear seat and floor. When I got home, the little pieces of glass per making tink noises as they broke into even smaller pieces. Has that happened to anyone else?
Tempered glass shatters that way, for safety. Is there any sign of impact (radiating) fractures in the remaining glass? If not then it's happenstance.
welcome to PriusChat. 4 or 5 years after manufacture I think it unlikely that this was a fault in the glass. I suspect a stone was thrown up from the tyres of the towtruck, hitting the window causing it to shatter. I think you can discount the bullet theory if there is no exit wound in the vehicle and no bullet in the car. Now, where is that insurance policy?
Thanks. That is about what I figured. But I had heard stories about Prius rear windows letting go for no reason and didn't know if there were similar stories about side windows. Sure was scarry.
Over 6 years here and it's the first time I've hear of any sort of spontaneous shattering. Must've been a rock.