AGW = Al Gore Warming? Or is it Mann-made warming? Perpetrated by the CRUminals? With all of the Mann-ipulated data?
Humans Have Not Caused Global Warming. The big ball of fire is the reason the temps have increased. Some forget or never learned the Earth has been through numerous ice ages and warmer periods... all without our "meddling" with the global climate. Is the Earth warming... yes, I believe it is... however, mankind is NOT the major player... the big ball of fire in the sky is.
Hi all, Having voted yes, I would like to make a few points. Do humans cause global warming? Of course we must - we eat, breath, fart, die, decompose ... All of which must add to the 'bill'. Particularly when we start talking about a population of 6+ billion people. Are people alone the cause of global warming? Don't know and as has been pointed out, the earth has been through quite a few warm spots. Should extreme effort be expended to reduce CO2 emissions? I should like to rephrase this too: Should extreme efforts be made to reduce the burning of non-renewable fossil fuels? Most definitely! I believe it was Isaac Asimov who bemoaned the fact that human society were consuming resources to merely move around and keep warm when said resources were better off being used to create plastics, pharmaceuticals etc. Although I am from Australia I have spent successive winters in Chicago (1997) and Detroit (1998), so I know the importance of keeping warm and the necessity of being able to move around. To me the downside of this debate about "Are humans causing Global Warming" merely side-tracks folks away from the real issues: How can we reduce our 'footprint' on the environment and how can we get renewable resources on the agenda. Let's assume that the world says "Nah, global warming is a non-issue. We don't have to worry about our levels of resource consumption, so let's chop down all the forests, burn all the oil and coal, breed like rabbits and continue the lavish life-style we have enjoyed for the last 100 years." My real concern is that if we do this, my grandchildren will have no way to move around nor keep warm when all the resources are gone. Slightly off-topic. My wife becomes sun-burnt when she stays in the sun for more than 20 minutes. We spent our first week at Disneyland and we discovered that she could spend hours in the sun and not even turn slightly pink. That's when we really understood the impact of the hole in the ozone layer. Cheers Warwick
Sorry, but you're only a couple years late with this drivel,,,,
Icarus you could have expressed your opinion/belief by voting but I guess casting aspersions is more your style? Did the fact that its a public poll scare you off?
Nothing to do with belief?!?!? Pull your head out of your crapper son! You can't sack me, I'm with Gaia ? The Register
I'm not scared off, and I am not casting aspersions. What I am saying, and what I said in the previous drivel thread, was that whether or not global warming is happening/human caused or what ever is not going to be changed of influenced by some idiotic "popularity poll"! If all we had to do to solve our problems was to wish them away, it would be so simple. Large, complex issues require large and complex thinking and large and complex solutions. Complexity (and the ability and discipline to understand nuance and complexity) have sadly been lost for too many of us. We expect if it can't be solved in the span of a 60 minute Law and Order episode, it isn't worth pursing. "A CNN instant pole says that 62% of Americans think the world is flat and the moon is made of cheese" I don't give a shit what people think, or what people believe. I am persuaded by the vast quantity of peer reviewed scientific evidence published over the years, conclude that global warming is real, is in large measure human caused, that the consequences of said warming are going to be both unpredictable and catastrophic, AND there has been an organized, funded MISINFORMATION campaign waged to cloud the issue, so that a few wealthy multi nationals can continue to do business as usual instead of making the investments and hard choices required to address the issue. The fact is, for the most part, they won't be around when the chickens come home to roost. On the other hand, how they can tuck their kids into bed at night is beyond me. Unfortunately, a few folks here have bought the bull shit!
Hi Warwick thanks for the reply, just a quick note upon some of what you said. Note bolded area above in quote. . . First, the increase in CO2 and warmth has actually increased forests and vegetation worldwide. Second, the lavish lifestyle you live has also given us many many benefits such as great strides in, medical, transportation, not to mention; electricity, fresh water, sewage treatment etc. . . we would otherwise not have without the expenditure of those resources. Could we manage our resources better? Yes, absolutely, should/could/would we dial back the time machine and do without or with a greatly reduced amount of them? I doubt it. The few hundred's of millions that live in the modern world may be able to pull it off but a pull back now would absolutely decimate large populations in the third world. IMHO. Third, there is no downside to this debate, it uncovered a group of politicians, media, businesses and scientists who were perpetrating a lie to conceal there true agenda which turns out to be a quest for power and money. Don't you think that the scientific fraud of AGW has actually hurt the effort towards bringing forth renewable resources and the reduction of mankind's footprint on the environment? Who believes anything to do with these people or the need to protect the environment now? I'll bet you see a jump in consumption of those things you mentioned above in the next few years.
I see you didn't vote in the public poll you linked as well, are you sure you're not scared of taking a public position on an issue? Now it's funny you should mention that there is a "organized, funded MISINFORMATION campaign being waged to cloud the issue" because it seems to me that it's the CRU/IPCC/Lackies which are the ones being funded and running a well organized MISINFORMATION campaign. Yes, I do have evidence of my claim do you have any for your claim?
Clean Coal Alliance, American Petroleum Institute, The US Chamber of Commerce, Fox News, to name a few. I do take a public position on lots of issues, but you miss my point. Because one believes/thinks/wishes/votes in a poll/ about any specific issue is a meaningless endeavor, AND it doesn't make it so, and indeed it serves to perpetuate the myth that issues are as easy as taking a poll. It also perpetuates the myth that global warming is not real, despite the overwhelming evidence that it is happening and it is indeed human caused, even if some folks, for what ever reason don't accept the science. Voting in idiotic polls might name the next American Idol, but it won't do a damn thing to prove or disprove global warming, and it sure a shit won't do anything constructive to solve the problem! Icarus
Science is a nonbelief system based on repeatable, falsifiable, confirmable, testable evidence. We only accept what we cannot disprove and continue testing. The 4th IPCC report is linked to 30,000 peer-reviewed published articles, not subjective belief.
Someone hasn't been paying attention. We can't falsify/confirm "evidence" that we don't have access to (and may have been deleted.) We can't test things while the methodologies have been withheld. etc, etc (sorry I'm in a rush)
It's not that I don't believe that the 4th IPCC report is linked to 30,000 peer-reviewed published articles it's just that I don't believe the data. Show me the data. What's that you can't get the data because the ones that stand to gain the most won't release it? Does that sound right to you?
How well-funded do you think the people at Hadley CRU, NASA, and all the other agencies are? How can they be the ones that stand to gain the most? The point is that you will find the data in the 30,000 linked articles in the IPCC report, or in sources that they in turn link to. It is incredibly likely that the skeptics are asking the wrong people for certain pieces of data, that those working on the overall models are using smaller, already refined data sets that came from people working on a specific aspect of climate, perhaps in a certain region of the world. The refined data sets are commonly given on condition that they aren't further disseminated, so that the people who did the work are given credit in any other papers that reference that data set. Taking a random link from AR4, Chapter 3 of Working Group 1's report, Supplemental Material page SM.3-10: "Mekis, E., and W.D. Hogg, 1999: Rehabilitation and analysis of Canadian daily precipitation time series, Atmosphere-Ocean, 37, 53−85.". Looking on Google Scholar, I can find that paper at Reading the article, the original data came from Canada's National Climate Data Archive. You can find that at Canadian Climate and Water Information - Canadian Climate and Water Information - [Meteorological Service of Canada - The Green Lane]. Asking the authors of the final papers in the chain for the data used by the first paper is pointless and wastes their time. Most people have little time for timewasters. Go and look it up.
My comment dad, (you started it) was in relation to the "people" who have recently invaded PriusChat to push their anti climate change agenda. One of their feeble arguments is that people believe in global warming like it is a religion, you are using this poll to add fuel to their flaming fire. It isn't a faith based thing, it has nothing to do with popularity of the opposing sides, it is either happening or it isn't. The science to this point shows on the balance of probabilities that it is happening, it has nothing to do with belief, even if some small county court judge says it does. If judges can determine everything why even bother with science? Just ask a judge.
Are you serious? Do you even read any of the forums on Prius Chat? icarus is one of the few on Prius Chat who has taken on the diesel truck people in AGW discussions and debate. I think he is very brave and wears his heart on his sleeve on this issue. Do you know anyone who needs to pull their cranium out of their anal sphincter?