I have a base model 09 Prius, and thus have no BlueTooth. It does have an iPod connector, which I was using with my iPhone. I have however recently switched to a Moto Droid. Thinking about how to possibly use the device to run not only music but calls through the car's stereo is something that is on my mind. I will eventually get the car mount for the phone, and will use a charger, but would like to route the audio to the stereo via BlueTooth. I'm wondering if there's any device that could be connected like the iPod connector to route at least the audio output of the phone through. The phone's mic will work in this situation (evidenced by another Droid user that has a stereo that does A2DP). Searching pulls up a ton of results, but almost all have to do with the stock BT that comes with the nav package.
I tried googling 'bluetooth audio receiver' and got a swag of hits. This one from logitech looks interesting. Logitec Bluetooth Audio Receiver | Gear Live No price on it. Probably $$$s Cheers