Hi guys! I am a new Prius owner and I have a question about reprogramming the toyota prius key for an iTech model manufactured in november 2007. I bought this car second hand and I dont trust this guy I bought it off. He aparently lost the second key! Is there a way to reprogram the signal on the smartkey so that he cannot use the other key to gain access to my new car?? Thanks in adavance! Isaac Horner
The fob is not programmed. The car is programmed to recognize the fob. I think your only option is to buy new fobs and have the dealer program the car to accept the new fobs. This will cost some bucks...
:welcome: Firepa63 is right. You need a new FOB, but not only that. You also need to change the mechanical lock in your car, since the previous owner could still use his backup key to unlock the door.
neohorner, Both the previous posters are correct, but I wouldn't spend the extra money on 2 new fobs (unless you want 3 usable fobs in the first place). You do NOT have to discard the fob that came with the car, but you WILL have to replace the lock core in the driver's door that the metal key goes into. When the car is new both metal keys (stored inside the fobs) are cut exactly the same. Even if the previous owner did actually lose the other key & fob, he most likely stored the little metal tag with the key code stamped on it in a safe place (unless you still have it on YOUR fob). All that is necessary for a new key to be cut is that code & he's into your car again [that's why you need to replace that lock core with a new one (or a used one that only you KNOW the key code of)]. As far as the fobs, each fob has an individual registration number & they both are registered into the car's computer. The dealer can look into the computer & keep the registration logged in of the fob you have, but cancel/delete the registration number of the missing one [no longer having to worry about the previous owner gaining access into your car if he still has the other fob (unless you don't get that driver's door lock for the metal key replaced right away)]. Do this soon before you lose the one fob you have, because you need one working fob for the dealer to easily gain access into the smart key computer (it actually can be done now without the one working fob, but it will cost you a lot more for the dealer to do it without it). So do you really want to buy 2 NEW fobs [they MUST be NEW (NEVER used) to be FULLY programmable for ALL the smart key functions] @ around $200 apiece plus the programming costs for each, and junk the perfectly good, fully-functional fob you already have? Ken (in Bolton,Ct)
A condensed version of the above post: buying new fobs does not protect you against the lost fob, as the car will still recognize the lost fob unless its code is removed from the car's programming. The dealer can do this for you. Tom
All that has to be done is having the smart key code reset and reprogram the keys . I believe we just charge and hour for that. I don't know if there is a non dealer software system out there that can do it. Also I would replace the lock cylinder like others have said.
After 2005 Prius sat for 6 weeks, the smartkey will not open the doors or start the car. I have to plug the keyfob in to run the car. Anyone know about this issue?
There's a switch under the steering column that turns the SmartKey off. I'd try using that switch to see if it's been turned off. Other possibility is that the battery in the fob has died.
Press any button on the fob. You do not have to be near the car. If no red LED flashes in the corner of the fob then the fob battery is dying.