I grin seeing how the vid poster calls Ed "Loosing Control" just because he's passionate and doesn't let the Fox dude talk over him and such. I expected him to storm out or something. Heck they simply met each other decible for decibel, imo. offtopic ... is it just me? or does anyone else remember the "Little Rascals" short movie flicks filmed between the 1920's to the 1940's ... and still on nickelodian. I look at Ed and I see (minus the voice) Froggie. Yes? No? ok ... back to thanksgiving .
Not sure why you had to drag this 2+ year old thread out from the dead to post this video, but I didn't think that Ed lost it any more than the other guy. Sure things got a little heated, but obviously Ed takes this a bit more personally than he should. I'll call the debate a draw - if only because Ed missed out on a couple of opportunities to debunk a few arguments.
radioprius1 is trolling PRIUSchat and is critical of all who believe in global warming. Take his comments with a grain of CO2.
Go get 'em Ed!!! I get a kick out of Stewey talking about where the information is coming from. Ever watch the movie "Outfoxed"? It shows where Fox News get their info. The top guys at Fox send memo's to the news staff about what stories they will cover and how they will cover them. Fair and balanced???
I'm impressed and I'm not even a fan of Ed! Ed did a good job against that biased Fox schmuck. Typical Fauxnews BS, all editorical crap and evasion of the issue from their host, just like radioprius1. It's funny watching some Brit try to tell folks how unAmerican something is. Then the jerk whines like a little girl about Ed not being submissive for him while the Brit spins false strawman arguments. Fox isn't accustomed to having folks on who actually call them out when they spit out lies as truths.
I got a tip for you, Fox is NOT news. I can call myself a doctor but that doesn't make me one. Oh, now I understand. You don't understand the difference between fact and opinion.
I completely disagree. Ed was the only person in the conversation who delivered facts. Stewey couldn't back up one thing that he said.
When Ed asked Stewey about when the incandescent bulb would be banned, he couldn't answer. Every time when Ed came back with a fact to correct Stewey, Stewey couldn't answer straight.
That was your mirror, fool. Not your TV. Maybe you can ask Ed why it is you have no package? Nice job Ed, the most effective way to deal with the ridiculous assertions spawned by the Deniers is to beat them over the head with the truth.