I want to get a phone that lets me listen to Pandora in my car (2010 with nav). I've found posts that mentioned that the iPhone does fine, but Verizon doesn't have that one. Does anyone else know of a phone model that will let me listen to Pandora via my car's audio? I'm guessing the only potential models are Blackberrys. Has anyone had luck with the Blackberry though? The Toyota Bluetooth site says that the Blackberry models don't auto answer, and they don't even list all the Blackberry models anyway. Toyota Bluetooth Phone
Why won't the droid work (verizon)? I haven't tried pandora via bluetooth with my G1 android phone but I'm able to load contacts via bluetooth so I expect it will. I'll try to remember to try it this weekend and let you know.
I just bought the Verizon Motorola Droid and Pandora streams awesomely via Bluetooth. Also lastfm.com. It's great. No problems pairing the phone either. The playlist does not show up on the screen, however. (I have the pre-USB connection, and I don't know if that makes a difference.)
not to rub it in, but the Pandora app on my iPhone sounds great via the BT. Pandora gets buggy when the phone rings, but it sounds better than the SAT radio. If I flip open the cup holder, it rests in there perfectly if I need to push through a song. Keep trying...
Thanks for the posts everyone. iPhone would be my choice, but again I'm on Verizon, because of the better network. I used to be on the AT&T network and it was a joke. I tried playing around with the new DROID at the VZW store, but I was having trouble figuring out how to place a phone call on it. @_@ All the cool features are nice, but it is a phone first right?
I use my Motorola Q9C. Sound isn't great though. I've heard that Verizon chokes the bandwidth on Pandora...sounds terrible compared to SATRAD.
Those of you that use Pandora, how do you access it on the cell phone? Via a browser? For free? I recently got a new sound system for my home and am enjoying using Pandora on my receiver, loving it so much I paid for a year. But when I checked into if for a cell phone I saw somewhere that it costs $8.99/mo for cell. But then my SIL said she streams Pandora on her iPhone. I have an LG VU so I'm going to check the forum for this phone since I never got around to fully exploring all my phone's capabilities, I got the TV part going and didn't need much else. But now I want to listen to music more than news/politics and hope to be able to use Pandora in the car. p.s. I'm on AT&T and don't have problems. Just an occasional dropped call in the usual places so I avoid being on it when I drive down one street in my hood. And the live TV is awesome.
On the home screen of the Droid there is a little blue phone widget. You press that to access making calls.
I guess I am an unabashed Droid promoter here, but Pandora sounds great in my car, and better than SAT in my opinion. Maybe it depends on what phone and service plan you have.
I have Verizon's new Droid (see my other posts!) which requires a $30/month add-on to your voice plan for unlimited access to the internet. The use of Pandora is part of that. The phone comes with the Pandora app so all you have to do is log on through the app widget. When you pair the phone with the bluetooth car multimedia, you are all set to listen to Pandora in your car. It works real well, but no playlist on your nav screen.
I'm also using the Droid with BT streaming and no playlist shows on the screen but the seek buttons work on the Radio. The USB does not seem to work with the Droid even after mounting so don't know if this is a Droid thing or what.
Thank you. Checking the forum for LG VU enthusiasts now for an app. Would really love to have this work!
Thanks, I didn't know about using the seek buttons...I will give that a try the next time I go out. My Prius doesn't have the USB connection so I can't help you there...
I bought my wife a Droid for Xmas...something tells me I'm going to wish it was mine. The Q9C is pretty cool, but I don't think it compares.
Lucky her! You may want to take it out of the box and try it in your car before you give it to her haha! Oh, I tried the seek buttons when I went out earlier and they didn't work...probably because I don't have the USB port installed in my car. Boo...
I don't see why I can't get Pandora for free on my phone when it's also AT&T. And I pay for Pandora already!
They should work since the Bluetooth supports the AVRCP profile on both the Car and the Droid. On streaming audio like Pandora or Last.FM only the Up button functions but on a Playlist both buttons should move to the appropriate track. I have read on the Android forums that a 2.x update for the Droid may be coming in mid December to fix various issues and improve functionality. Some of those improvements include fixing Bluetooth bugs and the Contacts syncing issue over BT. I've gotten Contacts syncing to work only with using the BFT applet from the Market. Maybe we'll get track and playlist info on the screen with the update. Its a nice phone and my 1st smartphone but I had my first self-reboot last nite oops.