I didn't really notice anything like that on my Barcelona Red, but it was getting dark and I don't have a good flashlight. Will check again in the morning. Mine was built Oct. 2009. Where do you find the plant info?
there are two plants that make the Prius - Tsutsumi Plant and Fuji Auto Plant. Search for factory and vin number. Ken listed it here somewhere.
I have a Sandy Beach car.(JTDKN3DU9A1087417) It also has a little of this but it is not as noticeable in Sandy Beach. Thanks, Dan
I think mine has it but I couldn't tell because it was dark. Yup, it's winter when you go to work in the dark and come home in the dark.
I agree - my Cobalt was great and so is my wife's Impala LTZ. My Silverado was so-so. But I've noticed the same "missing paint" as the OP mentioned on a pair of Grand Ams we used to have, thus the GM joke. I guess I am a GM lover - I'd really like to have a new Camaro RS, but, hey, it snows in Colorado...
please do not bring the cold air to california, eh i had to check my doors last night and they looked fine. it wasn't easy to see from the outside of the door, but i got a good look from inside the door. it will be interesting to see what the dealer says...
factory #5, blizzard pearl white, Oct. 09. hope that helps. i still think if the paint deal is really an issue for you, take it back to the dealer and see what they say. good luck.
Four searches and I keep getting global warming threads but cannot find out how to get plant information. Can someone who posted their plant just tell me please?
Back in the day I used to work at a place that took care of pre-delivery inspections on new cars. Some of the cars would come in with freight damage and our shop would repair it. One way you could find out if the paint is factory or not would be to go to an auto body shop and ask them to measure the paint with a "paint depth gauge." This gauge can measure paint thickness. **Brand new vehicles do get damaged and the dealer (I heard/read can't remember which, too old) are not required to notify the buyer if the damage is less than so much percent of the vehicles value. I traded a truck a few years ago (which I bought brand new) at CARMAX and when they appraised my truck they noted that one of the bolts to attach my front fender was not painted = repair work? I told them I was the original owner and vehicle had never been in an accident.
When I take it in at 5,000 for it's free oil change and tire rotation I'll ask them about it then and sneak a peak at any they have on the lot for comparison. However, based on the reply of a few others who see similar lack of paint in the same area, I'm going to trust that it hasn't been repainted.
This is what I was thinking. I know someone that got a new Mazda that had been damaged while being removed from the transport truck. The dealer repainted the fender and didn't disclose the repair. The only way he new it was repaired was because he found overspray. When he confronted the dealer they said as long as the damage is less than a certain dollar amount, they don't have to disclose it. I think that is wrong. Every part has an ID number that belongs to that car. Any repaired or replaced part can reduce the resale value. Have it looked at by a body shop to confirm or deny any suspisious activity. Good Luck..
Bighouse, I did not want to alarm you but was just sharing my experience. I'm betting it was a factory issue and not a repair.
Don't be alarmed AT ALL! I'm as anal as anyone regarding paint finish etc. I hadn't noted the lack of finish spray on the inside front door/fender until your post. Mine is EXACTLY the same as yours. The chances of ours both having an accident before delivery and a botched paint job at our dealer's is about the same as Tiger being a virgin. It's obvious the robot sprayer and finish paint cannot reach into that crevice, especially with the front doors closed while spraying. The primer (the grayish color) is no doubt applied via a body-dip and covers completely. And It appears that darker colors accent the lack of complete finish color in the fender area. They appear to be exactly the same as yours. Rest easy pal.