I served 6 1/2 years in the USAF. Loved every minute of it. I was an F-16 Crew Chief (mechanic). I had the opportunity to take a backseat ride in an F-16 for a four ship fly-by for a nascar race at Phoenix international Raceway. What a blast. Here are a few pics of me and my assigned F-16 at Luke AFB, Az.
Four years Royal Navy, 7 years Royal Naval Reserve. Back at work now after a tour of Afghanistan. That was very interesting.
4 years active duty, USAF, Electrical Power Productions Specialist (Power Pro). Power Plants, Mobile Generators, Diesel Engine Overhaul Maintenance and also maintained the Arresting Systems like the BAK-9 and BAK-12 etc.
Most of my time was with the 720th MP Bn, III Corp... several TDY on foreign soils attached mostly to 2nd AD units. My medical discharge from the Army 30 years ago was not voluntary, but I can run now... I couldn't when I was separated. Still have a few pieces of metal in my back from those days...
22 Years in the Army, retired 34 years ago as a First Sergeant. 10 years in communications and 12 years in aviation. Spent nine years over seas, 6 in the far east (two tours in Viet Nam) and 3 in europe. Great life.
5th Division in Vietnam November 1969 - November 1970. Thank you for posting this, I was wondering if anyone here served in I corp on fire base A-4 or C-2. I was a medic in the field.
I served in the Navy for 5 years and 3months and in the Navy Reserve for the rest of my twenty years.
6 years in the Navy as a Submarine SONAR Technician. Was pulling in to Subic when the Iranian hostage thing went down. A tug delivered a 90 day stores loadout to us in the channel, we took it on, turned around and headed for the Gulf of Oman at flank bell. Spent 30 days on patrol in the gulf (with all 4 tubes loaded and 2 fish spun up at all times) then headed to Perth for a 2 week stand down (Oh what fun! )
Drafted in '69; joined in '70 for 93H20 MOS (air traffic controller) in US Army. Basic training at Ft. Polk, LA. After AIT, stationed at Ft. Rucker, AL; worked Toth, Goldberg, Hunt & Lowe control towers. Korea in '73 - '74 at Camp Stanton (near Sin San Ni) and Camp Page (in Chun Cheon). Also played guitar in "Duty Band" traveling all over S. Korea. ETS'd out of Army in '74. Alas, at that time, returning soldiers were spit on and called "baby killers." Nice to see them getting better receptions since 1991.
Three years Infantry medic, then ~ 7 years active reserves in the paratroops. You do not have to thank me OP, this was not the US military. Or maybe you do have to thank me, since it was the Israeli military. I have been curious for a long time: who pays for the USaf flyovers at public events ?
Korean Conflict (before many of you were born) as a gunner on an M46 with the 64th Tank Battalion, 3rd Infantry Division. Not that I went willingly – I was drafted. The best shelter we had for 14 months was a squad tent. Don't sleep in a tent anymore.
20 years in the US Navy (1989-2009) stationed on 6 ships, last one USS Nimitz(CVN-68) out of San Diego.