I was sitting in my car on the phone and this dumbass pulls up next to me and BAM!!! puts a frikken dent in my rear door. I get out and he has an attitude of "oh well". I came unglued on this jackass. Just as I am walking to him, he gets in his car to leave, a beat to crap Pontiac grand am from the 90's. I am one pissed off dude today, I could of punched him in his face for the way he acted about it, not even a "I'm sorry" Just shrugged his shoulders like it was no big deal.
You have got to be kidding me.. I'm so sorry about that Gasitman. Did you get his information? Are you going to settle this with your insurance? Let me know how it goes. Just remember.. It could have been much worse. That's a shame someone could just "shrug" it off like that though, really a shame.
Best not to turn a parking lot mishap into a criminal court case for battery or worse. When someone does that, try to get their information and vehicle information and then just call your insurance company if the damage is that bad. Most parking lot dents can be removed by those dent doctor guys. I have had lots of luck with them at least. Sorry and hope it was not major.
I already called my insurance, and they said it is under $500, so I have to pay first. If he does not have insurance, I am out of luck. We will see though.
Sorry about the damage. Mine was three days old, I was driving 70MPH when a tractor trailer passed and pulled in about a car length ahead, his tires threw up a piece of tin that chiped and scratched the hood. No way to catch him or get license number.
What something to make you feel better next time? Hit record on your phone, then discreetly allow it to capture the moment. You'd be amazed how comforting a recording afterward can be. .
That is a great idea, when I kick in his door with my size 11 boot, and watch it later, it sure will make me feel better.
I see people smashing their car door into other people's cars in parking lots all the time. It sickens me. This is also why I park far far away whenever possible. And besides, the extra walking is good for me. Bryan
+1 What drives me nuts it when people just leave their shopping baskets all over the place. Several years ago we had a woman next to us do that and she just stood there and watched it veer into our van. I had to dive to catch it before it impacted. She was just casually watching it and backing out. Completely unconcerned. I was so mad, without thinking I pushed it straight at her car. It hit the side.. she was so offended! I told her to put her own damn cart away. then, later, I didn't feel any better at all, I thought I would but in reality I felt worse. My kids had seen my little tantrum. I realized that my reaction did nothing to solve the problem. and that I don't want to go through life being that easy to anger and that upset over the little stuff. Now when they start getting to me, I just go through the parking lot and put a bunch of carts away. Ah... The serenity.
That's SO NICE of you. But as a by-product, you are sharpening your skills to be a Walmart Greeter or Cart-Returner when you're old and retired. Or earlier considering the economy... But on the Topic - so irritating how some can be so irresponsible. I wanted to use a few choice words here, but will save them for the Offenders.
My wife was rear-ended at the end of October in her new Blizzard Pearl Pkg II and the guy just sped off as fast as he could. Good thing my wife is the insurance agent and knew enough to get his license plate number and a moderately good description of the car. Bad news is that even after tracking him down (only took the police 4 weeks to do this) he is dening it all so the county is prosecuting him and we will likely have to as well in a civil suit. Everyone doubts he has $.10 to his name so we will likely end up footing the whole bill like we always have to when we get hit (6 accidents between us, none our fault and only once has anyone had insurance and both of us are only 20 something) The first court date is January 11th 2010 and I can't wait to rake his nice person over some coals. I hope there is some insurance and that a judge will allow some punitive damages for hit-and-run. I wish school would teach kids resposibility and respect/care for other's belongings because they obviously aren't learning it at home.
First, I am really sorry it happened to you. You don't deserve it. It is not your fault. Second, let it go. There is no help. Just accept it. The insurance is more trouble than it is worth. When you buy new insurance, they will ask you if you have made a claim in the last 5 years. Also the damage is less than your deductible. The cops have better things to do than to go after a dent in a parking lot worth maybe $250. They will get your report and put it away forever. You can have his name, license plate, home, social security etc. Two people, two version of events. The court and cops can't decide who is telling the truth. So the facts are not on your side. It is also too small for small claims court. I won't go into details. By the time you get a $250 judgment from small claims and by the time you collect from the loser, you could have made more money if you spent your time on a menial job. Small claims court is not about justice, it is about resolution. You will probably have to compromise and accept 50 cents on the dollar. I have experience. Don't forget, if you know where he lives, he knows where you live. Think vandalism, and your family. All that work for 50 cents on the dollar - filing cost of $25 to $50. I agree with other posters. Just let it go.
See my other reply. For reason of maintaining your sanity, just get the money from the insurance company, forget the whole thing, and go on with your life. Your wife is an insurance agent so she should know how to file to get maximum return. Let your insurance company try to find his insurance company. Don't do it yourself. The civil court will just make you madder. On court day, the judge will have 5 hours for 50 cases. You will wait all day and have 5 minutes of his time. Another date will be scheduled. It will go on and on. The guy don't have the money to pay you anyway. And then, if you get money, do you have to repay your insurance company who footed the bill for your damage?
I do the same thing. I parked nearly at the other end of the parking lot from the grocery store tonight, with no one around me, and wouldn't you know when I came back to my car someone had parked right up against me with their driver door inches away from my passenger door. I don't know how there wasn't a ding on my car, it looked physically impossible for them to have exited their car.. guess it was my lucky night!
Yesterday when I went to Costco I purposely parked farther away to avoid parking next to all the shopping carts randomly strewn between cars. When I approached my car there was no one parked on the driver's side and I saw a little folded white piece of paper sticking out of the door. My first thought was "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.... you did NOT damage my brand new car!!!" Luckily it was just someone who wanted to sell me a spiritual cleansing.
I have had to deal with small claims many a time (I am a banker) and I do NOT look forward to it but I do hope that he gets a mega fine or jail time for hit and run. It is the principle of it that really bothers me, that and the increased insurance rates for 3 years and $400 out of my pocket.....again. With all the snow and the whopping -11 degree days here in Idaho we are just hoping some sucker from California that doesn't know what snow is hits the car with thier mommy mobile Mercedes ML 350 and their insurance can cover the damage from the first guy. I am not that lucky though, obvisouly if you read my post above.