My 2010 Prius V with Tech is supposedly on a boat on it's way over. How long should it take to get to NY?
Following example shows 26 days from TOYOHASHI(JAPAN) to NEWARK port. 10/20/2009 (Tue) TOYOHASHI(JAPAN) Departs 11/9/2009 (Mon) PANAMA(PANAMA) Departs 11/13/2009 (Fri) JACKSONVILLE Arrives 11/13/2009 (Fri) JACKSONVILLE Departs 11/15/2009 (Sun) NEWARK Arrives Ken@Japan
hmmm...well, the flight distance is 6,755 miles from NYC to Tokyo. So, assuming running the car in Power mode and the same travel path and a constant speed of say 85 mph and you're looking at about 80 hours. Course, that doesn't take into account the stops you'll have to make for gas or food...oh, it also doesn't take into account any additional issues like drag or lack of air while driving it on the sea floor.