Around 1:15PM Saturday…other driver ran a stop sign…4 blocks from my house…thankfully neither my son nor I were hurt (other than me having sore ribcage and shoulder, and yes I got checked out). Interesting/slightly disconcerting thing was that the side curtain air bag didn't deploy and I whacked my head on the window:
umfff, sorry to hear of the accident - it was best to get checked out NOW rather than have medical complications later. In my unofficial opinion, it looks pretty close to a total depending on your mileage....maybe an '10 in the works? just be glad nobody was seriously hurt.
I'm definitely thankful noone was seriously hurt (including the other driver)... Mileage is around 34,700...just put brand new Nokian WRG2s on... A_G_P: har har I did joke w/ my wife about all the mileage we won't be putting on it...
You didn't sustain head injuries, so the impact was probably too low to deploy the side curtain air bags. Air bag deployment carries its own set of risks, so the systems are carefully balanced between protection and risk. If they went off too easily, people would be needlessly hurt. Tom
+1 All the commercials with the pillowy-looking airbags are deceiving. They can break bones on deployment. FHP: Air Bag Warnings
I will refrain from the obligatory smart nice person reply. Where are the triggers for the side airbags? I'm thinking you'd have to take a hit further back for them to deploy. That bush did an awful lot of damage. I'd stop parking in them. (Sorry. I held off as long as I could). Glad to hear you weren't carried off.
Sorry about your hurt Prius. As one who has been there, it's not nearly as bad as it looks... Also, I bet the very next thing the other driver texted was "DUDE! SUM OTHR GUY DROV RITE N FRNT F ME!"
Thanks for all the kind words (and humor) everyone! First update from the shop: preliminary estimate is ~$10K, they don't see anything structurally (yet) that would cause them to total the car... Stev0: 60 yr old woman probably wasn't txtng, esp. "Dude"
Just be glad it wasn't one of those monster truck or Expedition/Yukon drivers, would have been worse. Europe is so much easier to drive in. More courtesy, less oversize vehicles.
At least it wasn't in the new year! Glad to hear you guys are ok! Judging by the impact zone, I don't think the side airbags were designed to deploy. As far as I know, the curtain and thorax airbags use the same sensor so yes you hit your head but the car determined your body wasn't in any grave danger. Also, the sensor is close to the B-pillar IIRC.
Sorry to hear of the Accident. Glad you and your Son were ok. Any reason why the other driver blew through the stop sign? Cell Phone? Texting? Were they ok?
Everyone was OK...not sure why they blew through the stop sign; I didn't hear from the officer and she didn't say anything...
Airbag deployment is speed dependent and impact dependent. It is an inertia sensor, and doesn't matter where it is placed, or where the impact occurs, it matters as how much G force is applied in a sideways motion. She wasn't going fast enough to place enough G's on the sensor to trigger it, and that has all been determined by the car companies testing, and computer sims. Same goes for the front air bags, they usually don't deploy at anything less than 25 MPG impact, that's combined impact speed for frontal crashes. Early impact sensors were simply nothing more than a magnet, steel ball and trigger wires, it takes a set amount of G force to break the magnetic hold on the steel ball when then rolls forward to make contact with the wires. So did the EV disconnect happen, or did you still have drive power after the hit?
I'm not sure what the EV disconnect is; the only thing I do remember is that when I powered it up to put the tranny in N to pull it out of the bushes, I saw the "big red hazard" symbol on the dash. The body shop did say they were able to get it to move under its own power...