The OP looks like Indyking posting about how much he thinks the Prius NAV sucks... never let the darn thing rest...
The difference being is that we know that and both parties have come to an understanding. Will, on the other hand, refuses to let it go. I'm sorry. He's been warned before. I don't see what a priori has posted is considered "stepping out of line". Your sarcasm isn't tolerated here. As a priori said, you have promised to keep a lid on it. We know you want the damn foglights, I'm sure TMS knows that. Harping on that subject doesn't change anything. You have been warned. (again)
ound::thumb::hail:ound: So what you're saying is . . . :eyebrows: :argue: :fencing::tape2: :frusty: :boink: :bolt::yo: :tea: Thanks, Indy! At least you and I never had any disagreements on that subject. Right?
I might agree someday. This is my second Toyota Nav and I have not figured it out yet either. Oh, wait, this is a fog light thread. I can't comment then because I wasn't too cheap to buy the V because I knew I couldn't live with out them, regardless of how ineffective they are. I love the looks.
Well, this IS a thread about fog lamps, so I don't see why people aren't free to complain about the lack of them, or whatever. Also, if somebody is complaining too much or you don't think they are worth listeniing to for whatever reason, you can ignore him. Why do people feel it's necessary to spend multiple responses censuring what other people are saying?
If you have been reading PriusChat you would have seen that Toyota have responded to almost all of the input requests of its customers which it harvested from on line sources such as PriusChat. Most Gen II owners were disappointed with the performance of the fog lights anyway, so they are just aesthetic. Stick a couple of white 3 inch round reflectors over the blanks and you have something that looks like fog lights and is almost as effective. Enjoy your VW.
Fogs for $200 from where? That would solve my only gripe on a package IV. Can you send a picture of yours?
Because it gets tiresome to hear the same "why is Toyota a stupid company for not adding foglights" 10x over. After 3x, I think we get the point. Clearly, he's more in it for complaining than looking for answers cause there are threads on here on how to add foglights to non V versions (hawkmoon et. all have added foglights to their cars).
Did you ever find a Toyota dealership in your area that will install the factory fog lamps? The reason I ask is that a friend of mine in Maryland wants to do the same thing (ie, he's not interested in do it yourself installation, etc). So just wondering if you ever found a dealership that will do it for you, and if so, I'll pass on the name to my friend.
I expect you'll find many local body shops will be willing and able to do the work for a much lower price than the dealer.
No, I haven't started looking yet. I think I'll wait until more people do it. I also might go the route of buying the lights and then getting someone to install them, as others have suggested.
Am about to order "aftermarket fog lights" to do the retro fit on our 2010 Prius. Would somebody kindly confirm that the 2006-08 Yaris foglights are the right ones to order...3 door or 4 door version? Here's the link I am looking at: Fog & Driving Lights, OEM & JDM Style Halo Projector Fog Lights, HID Xenon Fog Lights ~ Toyota ~ Yaris I know the blank plate below the front signal lights will have to be replaced. Will order these from the dealer. Any suggestions will be much appreciated. TIA!
Has your friend found a place yet? My local dealer said they'd only install fog lamps if they come as an accessory for that particular car. It shouldn't be this difficult! Why would Toyotal put those ugly plugs there and not give people the option of installing real fog lamps?