A spoiler on the rear of a car isn't just about getting power to the ground but also about getting around corners quickly. The maximum acceleration occurs at low speed in most cars when down-force from a rear spoiler is at a minimum, but in a high speed corner down-force will assist a car to gain good traction and higher cornering forces. Any rear spoiler should be balanced by a front spoiler or splitter. That being said, this spoiler would increase drag far beyond any benefit it will give (0) so is just an ugly piece of crap.
He's still got zero bids, what a surprise! I get the feeling that this car was some kind of "favorite toy" obsession that he just couldn't leave alone. Too bad it ugly'ed it up so bad in the process.
From the ebay ad: - Are we being a bit harsh? No. I think most of the rubbish can be removed with no damage assuming he hasn't cut a hole in the bonnet, but removing the spoiler will require a new stock spoiler. The price is a worry, I hope the current owner really likes it.
Given that there's a loan outstanding on it, want to bet that he can't afford the payments any more? And that he needs the car to sell for a pretty high price to pay off the loan?
At the end of his listing he says that he paid off the loan a couple of days ago and has clean title. But he still has an ugly car that he will not be able to sell for anywhere near his asking price.
You guys are too harsh. All that is needed to sell the car is for a new Batman movie to come out, where Batman has turned green and drives a highly modified Prius...
This thread proves that Prius owners have a great sense of humor. I wonder how old this guy is? And obviously this is a guy thing cause there is no way a woman would do that to a car, especially a Prius. Sexist but 99.9% true! From some of his old reviews it looks like this guy is old enough to have had triple bypass a few years ago......maybe it affected his judgement?? This is one of the ugliest vehicles I have ever seen
I bet on a really hot summer day, half of the crap stuck to it would fall off if it sat out in the sun for too long.
Hill, you are too much! Good find!! What I want t know, is what the hell function do the two trash cans sticking out the nice person do? How many times does the owner have to clean out the soda cans and candy wrapers that folks who pass by throw in to avoid littering
How about this one. Check out the model year correct "spoiler"... and it's fully functional: Jet-powered Ford guns for 300 mph - CNN.com Hang onto your hats folks...