Well, I tried to get my local dealer to shut off that damned backup beep, and was told that Toyota has instructed all dealers to *not* touch either the backup beep of the seat belt warning chimes. So now where do I go to shut off that stupid beeping? Has anyone else been told that Toyota has instructed the dealers not to shut off the backup beep?
I would be very skeptical, haven't heard anything else about it. I think I would check with some other dealers. It's bad enough that Toyota has "customer options" listed in the owner's manual that the customer can't change but to instruct the dealers not to change them either is difficult to believe. As far as I know there is no state that requires a backup beeper in a private passenger car, in fact I can't think of another car that has one. Even in work vehicles where they are required in some circumstances the beeper is outside the vehicle not inside. Seatbelt beepers are pretty much the same thing, although many cars do have them. I know of no law requiring them, there are laws in every state requiring occupants to wear seat belts but non that say you have to be beeped at, at least not yet as far as I have discovered.
I got the song and dance from my dealership initially about not resetting the backup beep and the seat belt warning as it was 'a safety issue'. I pushed a bit and did get the backup beep reduced to 1 beep. I didn't get the seat belt beep changed, but since I put it on anyway, it's really a non-issue for me. This thread has alot of similar stories of people having difficulties with getting the beeps reset. It may give you some ideas of how to twist your dealerships arm to get it reset. I can't believe Toyota would make it a 'customizable option' and then tell the dealers not to change it. You could push the dealership to give you proof of their claim. Towards the end of the thread, someone pulled a reference that says there is a law requiring the seat belt beep. http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...g-customizable-features-refused-dealer-9.html
The reverse beep can be reduced to one beep, not turned off completely. My dealer did it as a pre-delivery request, no problem. I am trying to find a reverse beeper that can be heard outside of the car, where it is really needed. Any suggestions?
Skipper, A quick Google search pulled up the following (nb: I am in no way endorsing either the product or the vendors nor do I have any experience with either -- just providing information): Back-up bulbs with alarms Back-Up Alert Beeper And 1156 Style Halogen Bulb
After searching the Net I did find this link which may help TURN OFF the seat belt beep. I have NOT tested this myself but thought it would be good to share for those who may be willing to try: How to Disable a Seatbelt Alarm on a Toyota | eHow.com It refers to Toyota Models 2004 and Newer! If you try it let us know the results.
I just read that reference and as far as I can determine the seatbelt beeper and warning light still meet the requirement when disabled. The requirement is for the driver's seatbelt and says the beeper should last from 4 to 8 seconds and the warning light for greater than 60 seconds. My beepers are disabled and they still beep for 6 seconds and the red warning light does stay on for more than 60 seconds. As I just posted in the other thread I do not believe Toyota would sell a vehicle with a "customizable feature" that would violate the law when customized. EDIT: I should point out that I did not wade through all 92 pages of FMVSS 208 S7.3(a) I only read the parts of pages 748 an 749 that talk about beepers. They may have stuck something else in that I missed. Anyone with more than a passing interest in this should double check me because I may have missed or misinterpreted something.
The one Item I noted in the regulation: (b) In place of a warning system that conforms to S7.3 of this standard, be equipped with the following warning system: At the left front designated seating position (driver’s position), a warning system that activates a continuous or intermittent audible signal for a period of not less than 4 seconds and not more than 8 seconds and that activates a continuous or flashing warning light visible to the driver for not less than 60 seconds (beginning when the vehicle ignition switch is moved to the ‘‘on’’ or the ‘‘start’’ position) when condition (A) exists simultaneously with condition (B), and that activates a continuous or flashing warning light, visible to the driver, displaying the identifying symbol for the seat belt telltale shown in Table 2 of Standard No. 101 (49 CFR 571.101), or, at the option of the manufacturer if permitted by Standard No. 101, displaying the words ‘‘Fasten Seat Belts’’ or ‘‘Fasten Belts,’’ for as long as condition (A) exists simultaneously with condition (C). (A) The vehicle’s ignition switch is moved to the ‘‘on’’ position or to the ‘‘start’’ position. (B) The driver’s automatic belt is not in use, as determined by the belt latch mechanism not being fastened, or, if the automatic belt is non-detachable, by the emergency release mechanism being in the released position. In the case of motorized automatic belts, the determination of use shall be made once the belt webbing is in its locked protective mode at the anchoragepoint.
Here's some instructions on how to disable reverse beep in a 2009 Toyota Prius. I have not tried this in my 2010 yet. How to Disable Reverse Beep in a Toyota Prius - wikiHow
I wouldn't swear to this, but I believe that the federal passive restraints requirement mandates a seatbelt beeper as a way of reminding people to use the belts. This represents a retreat from NHTSA's ill-starred attempt in the 1970s to impose an ignition interlock.
Yes I agree, but my point (post #7) is that the seatbelt beeper in our cars seems to meet the regulation (as posted by Bob above) when it is turned off. It still beeps 6 times and the warning light stays on for over 60 seconds. So when the dealer "turns off" the seatbelt beeper it really isn't off and it still warns you as required.
Those are safety items. I don't blame a dealer from refusing to remove or by-pass them. It may be annoying to you, but running over a child while backing your vehicle up can be "annoying" too. It just takes one preventable and tragic event to make one regret what happened for the rest of their life. Jim
If the beeper was on the outside that would make sense, however, on the inside, it's distracting to me as a driver. I rush to back out, because it's so annoying. Plus my passagers have complained about it too.
I'm not sure how the interior backup beeper is going to save you from running over a child. It's not a proximity sensor. If you don't realize you're in reverse then you have other problems.
Check out posts 25 and 42 of this thread: http://priuschat.com/forums/gen-iii...m/62494-2010-help-disabling-reverse-beep.html PriusChart knowledge article on how to change it for the 2004-2009 Prius: http://priuschat.com/forums/knowledge-base-articles-discussion/37380-disabling-reverse-beep.html
There was one time it could have helped me in my previous car. I was pulling out of an intersection, noticed late a car coming in my direction fast. I tried putting it in reverse, but I was staring at the oncoming car instead of the dash, so I wasn't sure if it was in reverse or not, and didn't dare move. (There was nobody else on the road, I was hoping the other driver would just move to the other lane, but she was transfixed on me, and actually steered in my direction slightly). So we did collide. Of course, if I had looked at the dash, I would've known if I had shifted successfully.
As a person who has repeatedly (albeit in only a few days of owning the Prius) put the car into reverse in an attempt to put it into park, I'm kinda glad the beep is there. This may change once I break myself of the habit of trying to shift into park and instead use the button, but I can certainly understand why it's there and why Toyota dealers would be reluctant to remove it.
today i called 3 dealers in trying to get the reverse beep set to 1 beep only. 1 wanted to charge around $100, another said they couldn't do it for "safety reasons", but the 3rd one would do it for no charge. seems like there is a great inconsistency across dealerships with regards to this. That's what I'm kind of worried about, but then again every other car I've driven does not have a beeping noise when in reverse, so I guess it will be ok to go to one beep. The only concern that I and others may have is when the engine is off but the car is in ready; one may accidentally take the foot off the break and put the car into motion in reverse. Then again, the same thing would apply when in D.
For the 101st time, such things don't work for a 2010 Prius. Only the dealer can do it unfortunately.
Those tragedies usually involve the driver being fully aware of going in reverse but just didn't see the child running behind, so backup beeps won't help in this case. That's what rear view camera is for. The alternative setting (which dealers are "refusing" to change to) still beeps once when you shift in reverse, so you'll still hear it and know. Having it continuous is redundant. Makes no sense, as the alternative setting still beeps once. However, get into the habit of hitting the power button when you turn off instead of using the park button first and that'll automatically put the car in park.