"House and Senate negotiators have agreed to a level of spending for highway and transit project that is acceptable to the White House. The deal clears a major hurdle in the two-year effort to develop a new federal transportation plan." Highway Bill Agreement "The latest extension goes through July 19, giving negotiators several weeks after they return from the Independence Day recess to work out details of the legislation, including the formula that determines how much states get back in federal grants in respect to their contributions to the trust fund." ***** Of course, my idea is to give the states back exactly the percentage they have put in. So...for instance....if California has sent 12% of the total to D.C. they should get back 12% of the money in the Highway Bill. How easy is that to decide how much everyone gets? You get in proportion to what you gave. No more welfare for the states. No more one state supporting another. Pay your way. I imagine that wouldn't be too popular a concept for some states.
Interstate commerce benefits all states and is made possible by a national highway system. The logic goes that California benefits as much from highways through Nevada as Nevada does. It's not unlike the nation benefitting from the rural electrification administration making it possible for remote farms to receive power lines they couldn't afford so that the nation could benefit from cheap food production. It's a liberal idea. Most of the really good ones and some of the really bad ones are.