I live in Atlanta, and I'm jonesing for a 2010 Prius V with the AT package. I'm having trouble figuring out what a fair price for this vehicle is. The first two dealerships with whom I spoke both wanted a dealer markup of either $1000 or $2500! A third dealership waived that charge, but it still wants nearly $600 in doc fees, $700 for the Toyoguard package (which I think is a ripoff), plus a few other add-ons. I'd really like to hear from other owners of this vehicle and get an idea of what your buying experience was like. At the moment, my best bottom-line deal is just over $37K with all taxes, fees, and extras included. Help!
I bought my 2010 in SW FL a couple of months ago. I also sent inquiries out of state for comparison to local dealers. MSRP was the best deal I could find.
I'd encourage you to start with an online quote, there are several sources through edmunds.com, autos.msn.com, autobytel.com, etc. Every car I have bought since 1996 started with an online quote, that was lower than any dealer I walked into, and in every case I was able to negotiate down from there. None of them have ever pestered me in any way at all. It takes a lot of the initial $ discussions out of the way. I usually take the deal I get online to 1-2 other dealers I would be willing to buy from to see if they will beat it (match isn't good enough). No matter what they do, I always give the dealer that initially stepped up with the first best online offer the last look, and all they have to do is match the best I've gotten to earn my business at that point. Where I am MSRP or a slight discount ($500) is about as good as it gets, 2010 Prius inventories are on the rise which can only help. Good luck...
I asked the same question a month ago before I went to the dealer. Took delivery of mine 3 days ago. From this forum, $500-$800 discount off MSRP is possible depends on your location. Mine has a few extra options so I got slightly over $1000 discount which most of you said was a very good deal.