Hi Prius Chat, after reading some posts... it seems like most Prius Owners (or at least the ones who post) are very left brained. What brought you to Prius? Left Brain - Technology? -or- Right Brain - Good for Mother Earth and the Environment? I'm a little bit of both: I bought a bluetooth headset and mobile charger for my iPhone, and it saves gas! :hippie:
I'm definitely left-brained. Prius "greenness" is actually an embarrassment for me since I'm a vocal man-made global warming skeptic. My friends razz me saying I've gone over to the Dark Side! I appreciate the technology for its own sake and I've always been interested in fuel efficiency. Just because I'm not green (brown?) doesn't mean I think that we need to continue wasting fossil fuel. My liberal, Berkeley grad daughter is proud of me, however!
Left brain for me - I bought it for the technology and concerns about the amount of oil we import from less than friendly countries. The low emissions was icing on the cake but absolutely not a determining factor. I also expect gas prices to rise significantly during the life of this car. Those who see me and think there goes another liberal tree hugger couldn't be more wrong.
Left brain totally. The base model, accounting for the savings in fuel over a 150,000 mile life, comes out very close in price to a Corolla but provides a little more usable space and refinement.
What does he/she mean "left brained"? I have an entire brain, it is complete except the billons of brain cells taken in the internal war against alcohol.
I'm not sure you can make such a rationalization. I don't think we can assume right brain = environmental concern. Concern for the environment can be very rational and logical. Concern for the economic and public health factors involved with damaging the environment don't have to be touchy feely or intuitive only, they can be systemcailly worked out and calculated. If we are talking in stric terms of Left Brain or Right Brain then I am right brain dominant. I don't think that is what you were trying to ask though. lol
I bought it for the fact that it uses less foreign oil. Regardless of the cost. If everybody burned 30 or 40% less gasoline...????
Left-brain here (at least according to your definitions). I bought it for: 1. Less gas 2. High-tech options galore 3. Did I mention less gas? 4. Where else can you get a video game that goes 100 mph (playing the get-highest-mpg-possible game)...geek to the max! 5. And of course, less gas. Helping the environment and decreasing carbon-footprint are nice, but were not a factor in my purchase.
The Prius is a car that can make Left Brain and Right Brain people happy! A true people's car for the 21st century
There are left brained and right brained Prius owners. The only difference is that the right brained owners are still trying to figure out how to log in and post on this forum. Tom
Saving the environment is the most important reason to buy a Toyota Prius. I don't believe in lack of oil, I only believe that the ecosystem cannot deal with the emissions from the oil. There is huge abundance of oil everywhere in the world, it just might be slightly more expensive than it is today. The problem is we are producing too many emissions to be sustainable, we can't live without emissions, but we have to find a balance. Under present rate of emissions, were not only producing more emissions than the ecosystem can handle but or destroying the ecosystem that deals with the emissions at the same time. Nobody complains about the environment, until the pumps at the river burn up due to lack of water and you don't have water to take a shower and flush your toilet. And believe me, these bums will burn up as when there is low level of water the water plants will run them to maintain supply until it's physically impossible. Try taking a shower with bottled water and flushing your toilet with it. Due to global change, a lot of places are seeing never ever seen before droughts. The urban dweller will never realize until this happens. Both in its high-tech factory, using probably one of the most advanced design to date for an automobile the Toyota Prius is also pushing the boundaries of technology for an automobile. It's doing surprisingly well, with very few problems for such new technology. Let's face it did gasoline and diesel engines have been around for a long time, electric buses and trains have been here for a long time is all. This has to be one of the biggest breakthroughs in technology and propelling the car on a mass scale for a long time. Yes it's true we have made quite the evolutionary change in the conventional engines as well, but this car represents probably one of the largest technological advancements in modern cars for a long time. In fact it opened up a whole industry, with many major manufacturers producing or developing hybrids. I still believe this technology has a long ways to go, but it is opened up car manufacturers to look at new technologies as an alternative. Most manufacturers were very hesitant to try something like this due to the perceived lack of interest and marketability of something like this. Lastly, this car will probably end up being very iconic in the history of the automobile. I think these cars will have a nostalgia in the future like the Volkswagen bug had after it came out. There's no denying this car will most likely end up being the next VW bug or the Ford model T. Just by the fact that it generates a much interest from some so much hatred by others it's not going to be forgotten. Most people already have an opinion about the car, no matter what opinion they have they know the Prius name. Even advertisements on TV make jokes of the Toyota Prius. You can make fun of the VW bug, but the reality is that it's a part of history. The design is considered an astounding achievement. Most people who own the car, will probably end up telling their grandkids about this car one day. It's going to be a classic.
I was definitely left brain (according to your above definition) as I bought it mainly for the technology and the gas savings. Like someone above, the less gas usage the better. I am far from being an environmental tree hugger, but the low emissions from the car is an added benefit. My kids are impressed with my purchase for this reason.