Well, I've been lurking on PriusChat for nearly a month now and have gotten a boatload of info from you all. But, yesterday our first Prius arrived so I thought I'd better pull off this cloak of anonymity and jump in -- This car far exceeds what we had hoped for! We've put on 150 miles, half in the city, and 1/2 going up and down a pass outside of Boise, ID. We've gotten 51 MPG thus far and I don't even know how to drive it yet. We got a Tideland Green (I think) #9 after placing our order on my BDay back on 11/4/03. The next day we placed another order for another #9, which should be coming in next week. Anybody else around here notice how many exhaust pipes there are at a stop light in town? Man, that's a lot of gas being burned for nothing! I never really noticed before. Somebody I know just got a brand new Nissan sports car. Probably a nice car, all in all. But, when I see it I just see a bunch of fancy styling covering up a rather dirty, outmoded technology. I am now beginning to understand what you all have been experiencing -- and I like it a lot.
Nice birthday present! Welcome to PriusChat. There's a wealth of information, and great administrator and moderators.
Your getting 2!!!!! :twisted: Not fair! :wink: Not fair! Nice birthday present albeit a fe months late I want my car!
So do you live in Boise? I know of another Boise Prius on the board, so maybe you two can be the Boise Prius Club Aww, shucks, Dave. Thanks for the kind words about the folks here.
Yeah, I live right outside Boise, about 20 miles north and East up in the hills on a 1/2 mile gravel road. The car gets dusty, but it's making the trip just fine. I've only seen two other Prius' in town, but considering the wait I had there must be several of them cruising around -- just not in my neck of the woods yet.
I live in Nampa, ID. Went to Bloomington MN to get our #3 black, wife couldn't wait for Peterson's or Tom Scott to come through. Since then haves seen 2 or 3 others in Canyon county. Jon
Great people make our jobs easy. This has been one of the most civil and friendly groups that I've ever experienced.
I, too, am really impressed. As I read through the thread on gay marriage I was amazed to see there were no flareups, no teardowns, and no cast-asides. It's a remarkable collection of folk...
Did you opt for two number 9's rather than one number 18? Try to imagine what would be on a number 18?
I would picture it as being something akin to a Shuttle Craft, minus the DiLithium Crystals. We got 2 #9's -- a blue and a green, though the blue hasn't come in yet. We're now just trying to figure out what our license plates should say.